Star Trek: What Would Happen If The Borg Could Assimilate A Q? (2024)

One of the things the Star Trek franchise does best is create an ever expanding universe filled with various different life forms from different backgrounds, and use science fiction to tell allegorical stories that relate to topical issues the modern world faces today. They are also very good at setting up the framework for fans of the shows and movies to delve deep into the theoretical quagmire of what-if’s. One of the most interesting questions being posed among the fanbase centers around the idea of a Borg Q.

The first, most important factor to address is that the Q are an incredibly powerful, god like race of being, and the likelihood that they could be captured or defeated by the Borg is incredibly unlikely. These omnipotent beings have the power to change the fabric of the universe with just the click of their fingers, having created various timelines over the years just for fun, and literally Thanos-snapped beings out of existence. The Borg, while still a powerful threat, are nothing compared to this type of power. The Q are not only able to defeat their entire race without breaking a sweat, but can also eradicate any trace of their existence altogether.

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The other issue is that there would be nothing for the Borg to assimilate in the first place. The Q’s whom audiences see over the various programs are simply just physical projections of their true selves. They are non-corporal, and simply send avatars of themselves to the universe perceivable to humans and the like, more like a projection than their real consciousness. If the Borg were somehow able to capture one of these corporal projections, and tried to assimilate it, they would just end up with whatever the Q wanted them to have — ranging from a pile of newspaper to nothing at all.

Star Trek: What Would Happen If The Borg Could Assimilate A Q? (1)

Each and every time a physical being experiences a Q, they are seeing a manifestation the Q has created that the person would understand, their true form being incomprehensible to them. This is shown not only though the Q taking human form for the human captains (even Captain Sisko, a man Q might even be a bit afraid of) but also in the way the Q project their home, the Q continuum, to corporal visitors. In the ill-received Voyager series, their home is shown to be an old run down farm town, something the crew could not only understand, but could physically see and interact with. But of course, this is not its true form.

Ignoring all these incompatibilities between the Q, who are not made of flesh and blood, and the Borg, who consume and assimilate flesh and blood, an interesting question arises. The Borg’s main mission in their destructive sweep across the galaxy is to assimilate in the attempt to devour information, driven forward by the idea of achieving perfection for not only themselves, but for all life in the galaxy. They were, before the introduction of the Borg queen, a wonderfully designed villain that acted more like a rampant computer function, being taken with one simple goal (perfection) and then simply carrying out this function without being clouded by morality. They were not good or evil. Assimilating a Q, then, would potentially fulfill this goal, the Q being the most powerful beings in Star Trek. The Borg would become an unstoppable force, able to assimilate or simply change the galaxy to fulfill their vision of perfection.

Star Trek: What Would Happen If The Borg Could Assimilate A Q? (2)

In addition to gaining all the knowledge of a particular Q, having their consciousness uploaded to the Borg collective, they would also potentially gain the god-like power of a Q. While having just one Q-powered being as part of the ever-changing Borg armada, it has been shown in canon that the Q are able to take away the powers of another Q. While the knowledge would remain in the collective, their power would theoretically be nullified, and they would be unable to harness it for their desires. The problem, however, is that in addition to the Q being able to take away Q power, they are also able to give it, as was shown in the TNG episode “Hide and Q” where Riker was given their almighty power. The freshly assimilated Q could then, if no other Q intervened, give the Q power to all the Borg drones in the collective, and theoretically create an army of Q Borg so large they could defeat the Q Continuum.

This argument is, of course, hugely theoretical, as the strange series of events that would have to take place in order for a Q to be assimilated is bordering on the ridiculous, even for Star Trek. While it might not even be possible, the only way it might happen is if the Q become so bored they decide to let it happen, or even make it happen, just to see the consequences. It might well have already happened, in one of the various different Q created timelines, but thankfully the prime timeline remains lacking in the almighty nefarious power of the Borg Q.

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Star Trek: What Would Happen If The Borg Could Assimilate A Q? (2024)


Star Trek: What Would Happen If The Borg Could Assimilate A Q? ›

The Borg would become an unstoppable force, able to assimilate or simply change the galaxy to fulfill their vision of perfection. In addition to gaining all the knowledge of a particular Q, having their consciousness uploaded to the Borg collective, they would also potentially gain the god-like power of a Q.

Could Q defeat the Borg? ›

It's possible that ability prevents the Q from just snapping them away and if the Borg keep assimilating more and more species and become more and more powerful themselves they might eventually be powerful enough to assimilate the Q. So the Q use the Federation to fight against the Borg on their behalf.

Did the Borg ever assimilate AQ? ›

Q. The Q are potentially the least likely to get assimilated, for not just one reason but two. Firstly, their near omnipotence and god-like powers would make it almost impossible for a Borg, or even all Borg working together, to capture a Q.

Does the Q continuum fear the Borg? ›

The Q themselves aren't afraid of the Borg. If anything, they are more cautious about what the Borg would do and who would be swept along if the Borg tried to target the Continuum. The Q may seem indifferent, but we know they have some kind of plan for the physical realm.

What species can the Borg not assimilate? ›

Thus, the Borg are unable to assimilate Species 8472 since their nanoprobes are consumed immediately upon injection into alien tissue. As well as their strength and biological immunity, Species 8472 also do not require food or rest.

What if the Borg assimilated Q? ›

The freshly assimilated Q could then, if no other Q intervened, give the Q power to all the Borg drones in the collective, and theoretically create an army of Q Borg so large they could defeat the Q Continuum.

Is anyone more powerful than Q in Star Trek? ›

While Q's powers are almost inconceivably vast, he does have to answer to the Q Continuum, and has had his powers revoked by them on more than one occasion for indulging in personal vendettas and petty squabbles. That said, there are few Star Trek characters more powerful than Q.

Did Q ever meet the Borg? ›

Picard reflects that perhaps Q did the right thing for the wrong reasons by bringing forward their encounter with the Borg, as it has informed the Federation what lies ahead of them as they continue to explore.

Who is Q afraid of in Star Trek? ›

Q seemed frightened of Guinan, telling Picard that she is "not what she appears to be," and that Picard should remove her from the Enterprise. Considering Q's abilities, it's unclear why he would be afraid of Guinan, and Star Trek has never offered a real explanation for Q's reaction.

What is more powerful than the Borg? ›

Star Trek: Voyager

The Borg discover Species 8472 in the Delta Quadrant and try to assimilate its biotechnology, which is more advanced than anything the Borg have seen. The Borg quickly realize that Species 8472 is immune to assimilation and that contemporary Borg technology is no match for it.

Why can't Romulans be assimilated? ›

It's possible that the Romulans encountered the Borg millennia ago. While they were spared from assimilation due to some quirk of their biology, the incident gave them a strong aversion to working on any comparable technology.

Did the Borg ever assimilate the Ferengi? ›

The Borg did assimilate some Ferengi, and fairly early on, before they even assimilated humans. You can tell by the low designation of the Ferengi species as 180. The bit about 'Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own' should not be taken more seriously than 'resistance is futile. '

What are the Borg scared of? ›

Species 8472 were introduced in Star Trek: Voyager as the deadly aliens that scared the Borg Collective, impressing viewers with their CGI design. Captain Janeway formed an alliance with the Borg to combat the dangerous Species 8472, who had the ability to wipe out all life in their galaxy.

Who can defeat the Borg? ›

In fact, 8472 is one of the few species so advanced that its ships are able to destroy Borg cubes in seconds.

How powerful were the Q? ›

The most familiar Q is portrayed by John de Lancie. He is an extra-dimensional being of unknown origin who possesses immeasurable power over time, space, the laws of physics, and reality itself, being capable of altering it to his whim.

Do the Borg know about Q? ›

And since the Borg did not know about Q, for them, it might have appeared as an untamed tease, baiting them into the alpha quadrant.

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