Premera Reference ManualPremera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska
023677 (09-2010) Identification Cards Chapter 5 Page 1
55 IIddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn ((IIDD)) CCaarrddss Description This chapter focuses on information about the member’s health plan ID card. Sections Section 1: Using an ID Card
Section 2: Reading an ID Card Section 3: Premera ID Card Section 4: BlueCard ID Cards Section 5: NASCO ID Card Section 6: FEP ID Cards
Premera Reference ManualPremera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska
Identification Cards Chapter 5 Page 2
Section 1: Using an ID Card Using an ID Card
The member health plan ID card is the link between the physician or provider, the patient, and the available benefits. It includes information necessary to submit a claim. To ensure that you have the most current information, it is important to capture all ID card data at the time of service in order to verify membership and coverage. Please note the following: Ask for a current ID card at each visit to confirm any product or benefit changes that may
have occurred. Make copies of the front and back of the ID card and share this information with your
billing staff. Transfer information to the claim exactly as it is presented on the card Check the “Date Printed” (see the next section for more details).
ID Number We no longer use a Social Security number (SSN) on our member ID cards. Our standard is to use a uniquely assigned number preceded with a three-digit alpha prefix.
If you have questions, call the member’s Customer Service department, at the number on the back of the member’s ID card or visit our website at
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Identification Cards Chapter 5 Page 3
Section 2: Reading an ID Card Front of the ID Card The front of the ID card identifies the member’s plan and contains
coverage and cost-sharing information, as well as billing completion information. Here’s what to look for when reading the front of our member ID card:
Rx: This symbol is used if the member’s plan has prescription coverage.
Office Visit Copay $XX Emergency Room $XX Retail RX $XX/$XX/$XX Mail-Order Rx $XX/$XX/$XX
Copayment information: Indicates the amount that the member pays at time of service. This example also shows tiered prescription costs.
Note: Copay amounts vary by plan. Check the member’s ID card or contact the Customer Service (number on the back of the ID card) for the specific copay amount. Some larger accounts may request that copayment amounts not be displayed on the ID card.
BIN #610014
Bank Identification Number: The BIN# assists pharmacies with submitting prescription medication claims through the Medco on-line system.
As a Premera-contracted provider, you can render services to patients who are national account members of other Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield plans, and who travel or live in your state. The BlueCard Program enables members of one Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) plan to obtain healthcare services while traveling or living in another Blue plan’s service area. The suitcase symbols are important when providing healthcare services to out-of-area patients who belong to the BlueCard Program.
Empty suitcase: A blank suitcase symbol on a member’s ID card Indicates that the member’s plan includes BlueCard benefits. The suitcase symbols are important when providing healthcare services to Blue Cross Blue Shield out-of-area patients.
PPO in suitcase: “PPO in the Suitcase” lets you know that this patient is covered under a BlueCard PPO plan.
Group #
Internal number assigned to each group that chooses Premera as their health plan.
Identification # Use this number to identify the patient when submitting claims. You must submit the member’s ID number on all claims and correspondence exactly as displayed on the members ID card.
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Identification Cards Chapter 5 Page 4
Prefix Include the alpha prefix with the member’s Identification # on all claims.
Note: Custom prefixes are available to large groups to assist national accounts with claims routing.
Note: Submit claims with the alpha-prefix information exactly as printed on the member ID card. Modifications to the prefix as shown on the card will result in claims delays.
Suffix Indicates the member’s relationship to the subscriber and does not need
to be included on any claim.
BCBS A number code used to assist in the identification of the member’s Blue Cross Blue Shield plan.
Medical Network Indicates member’s specific network/plan name. If “Plus 1” follows the name, it means that the member’s plan has out-of-network benefits. You will need to contact customer service for out-of-network benefits. Our Dimensions network names are identified to the right of “Medical Network” on the member card: AK HeritagePlus AK HeritageSelect AK Global
Our National Account members will have a network name of BlueCard
PPO or BlueCard Traditional. Plus 1 If the plan name is followed by “Plus 1” this indicates that the plan has
out-of-network benefits.
Note: “Plus 1”is not the name of a plan/network or contracted product. It is added after the member’s plan to indicate that the member has out-of-network coverage (but at a reduced benefit level).
Date Printed Our member ID cards include a “Date Printed” in the lower, left corner. This date represents the date that the ID card was printed, not the member’s effective date.
We include the date printed because medical offices requested an indicator to help staff identify if a card is current. However, use the “Date Printed” only as a guideline.
Generally, if the member’s plan has not changed, no new ID card is printed so the “Date Printed” is still valid, even if it’s two plus years old. When you see an older “Date Printed,” confirm with the member that he/she has not received a new ID card, and then call the eligibility phone number printed on the back of the card for current coverage.
Note: Member ID cards do not display the name “Dimensions,” only the plan’s network name (AK HeritagePlus, AK HeritageSelect or AK Global). Some large accounts may also include custom information in addition to the network name.
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Identification Cards Chapter 5 Page 5
Back of the ID Card The back of the card is divided into sections: members, important phone
numbers and providers. Here is what providers should look for on the back of the ID card: Billing instructions for paper claims and address specific to the
member’s plan Phone numbers for assistance:
o Member’s Customer Service department o BlueCard® provider locator o BlueCard® eligibility o Pharmacy locator (if applicable) o For coverage details & health-related information.
To expedite paper claims payment, use the PO Box printed on the back of the member’s ID card when billing paper claims.
Premera Reference ManualPremera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska
Identification Cards Chapter 5 Page 6
Section 3: Premera ID Card Front of ID Card
Here is an example of a Premera ID card.
1-Identification # Use this number to identify the patient when submitting claims. 2-Prefix Include the alpha prefix with the member’s ID number on all claims. 3-Copay Indicates what the member pays at the time of service. This example
shows a copay for an office visit (OV), emergency room (ER) and, if applicable, prescription (RX) coverage. Note: this example also shows tiered prescription costs.
4-Suffix Indicates the member’s relationship to the subscriber and does not need to be included on any claim.
5-Suitcase Indicates that the member’s plan includes BlueCard benefits. The suitcase symbols are important when providing healthcare services to Blue Cross Blue Shield out-of-area patients.
6-Group # Internal number assigned to each group that chooses Premera as their health plan.
7-Medical Network Indicates member’s specific network/plan name. This is a Heritage Plus plan. Heritage is a network a member obtains services from for a higher benefit level. If “Plus 1” follows the name, it means that the member’s plan has out-of-network benefits. You will need to contact customer service for out-of-network benefits.
8-Rx Group # Used for billing pharmacy claims. 9-Date Printed The printed date is not the date a member’s coverage began, just the
date when the card was last printed (issued). This ID card was printed on February 15, 2010.
10-Rx This symbol is used if the member’s plan includes prescription coverage.
11-BIN# Means “Bank Identification Number.” BIN assists pharmacies with submitting prescription medication claims through the Medco online system.
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Identification Cards Chapter 5 Page 7
Back of ID Card
12-Contact Information Key phone numbers. 13-Claims Submission Billing instructions and address. 14-Web information How to obtain on-line coverage and health-related information.
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Identification Cards Chapter 5 Page 8
Section 4: BlueCard® ID Cards BlueCard®
Identifiers An alpha prefix preceding the member’s ID number is present on all BlueCard® program ID cards. To distinguish the member’s type of plan, look for one of these BlueCard® identifiers: 1. Blank suitcase symbol 2. “PPO in a Suitcase” symbol for eligible PPO members, or 3. No suitcase symbol. See Chapter 11, BlueCard®, for more information.
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Identification Cards Chapter 5 Page 9
Example of an ID card with no suitcase symbol. Used for members with stand-alone prescription or dental coverage, or for a unique plan exempt from the BlueCard program.
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Identification Cards Chapter 5 Page 10
BlueCard Point-of-service
Though Premera does not have a Point-of-service plan, you may see members from other Blue Cross Blue Shield plans enrolled in a BlueCard POS plan. Treat these members like any other BlueCard member. The ID card includes a local network identifier and a blank suitcase symbol.
BlueCard International Members
Occasionally, you may see ID cards from foreign Blue Cross and Blue Shield plan members. These ID cards also contain three-character alpha prefixes. Treat these members in the same manner as you do for domestic Blue Cross Blue Shield plan members.
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Identification Cards Chapter 5 Page 11
Section 5: Premera National Accounts ID Card The following are examples of ID cards for a Premera national account. National account ID
cards for Blue Cross Blue Shield members do not include the health plan logo on the front of the card.
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Identification Cards Chapter 5 Page 12
Section 6: Federal Employee Program (FEP) ID Cards FEP Basic/ Standard Options
The following are examples of ID cards for federal employees covered under the Federal Employee Program. For FEP Basic Option the member must use a preferred provider in order to receive
benefits. For FEP Standard Option (PPO card), the member may see any provider; however, if a
preferred provider is used the member receives a higher benefit level. The FEP ID card will only list the subscriber’s name. The ID card does not list dependents.
Note: FEP member ID cards are issued from the national FEP system in Washington, D.C.
FEP Contact Information
Members should refer to the Customer Service number on the back of the ID card for any benefit eligibility or claims questions.