Modding/Cutscene Commands (2024)


  • 1 This page is for cutscene commands modding with the Pose Mod by kgftbz. You can download it in youtube.
  • 2 Compatibility
  • 3 Getting Started
  • 4 Parameters
  • 5 Commands List
  • 6 AMZE's Commands List
  • 7 Making Custom Events/Cutscenes for the Demo Release
    • 7.1 Before we begin:
    • 7.2 An overview of what we will learn and apply:
      • 7.2.1 Adding Destination Spots
      • 7.2.2 Placing and Rotating Characters
      • 7.2.3 Disabling Pathfinding and Prompts
      • 7.2.5 Making our Character return to their normal schedule
      • 7.2.6 Congrats!
  • 8 Frequently Used Commands
  • 9 Using .unity3d Files (INCOMPLETE TUTORIAL)
    • 9.1 What is a .unity3d file?
    • 9.2 What does it do?
    • 9.3 How do I use it?
    • 9.4 How do I make one?
      • 9.4.1 Tutorial (older builds)
      • 9.4.2 Tutorial (newer builds) + VIDEO REFERENCE
  • 10 Tutorial on IF Commands (WIP)
  • 11 Useful Stuff!
    • 11.1 Unity3d Outfits, Animations and Hairs ready to use + DL
    • 11.2 Textures
    • 11.3 All Pose Mod Commands
    • 11.4 Catalog of Yandere-chan's Hairs
    • 11.5 Weapons + Other Stuff Reference Names
    • 11.6 PoseMod Unfinished Documentation:
    • 11.7 Builds!
      • 11.7.1 Some of these commands are outdates or just don't work so don't get mad if a command isn't working.

This page is for cutscene commands modding with the Pose Mod by kgftbz. You can download it in youtube.[]

This page is allowed to be modified only if the adjustment is correct and positive .

If somebody has asked a question that has already been answered, put it in the Frequently Used Commands section .


The Pose Mod folder contains multiple versions of Pose Mod that will work across different versions of Unity. For builds after April 2020, use the Unity 2019 version of Pose Mod . For older builds, use an older version of Pose Mod.

Getting Started[]

For creating cutscenes, the only things you will need are kgftbz's Pose Mod and Notepad (or Notepad++). You can also use any text editor, if you keep the .txt extension: Pose Mod cannot read .odt or .wordpad files. To create a new cutscene, make a text file in the Pose Mod cutscenes folder .


When looking through commands, you may see words like bool or int. These are the parameters which tell the command what to do .

Parameters are of four types:

TextCan be any alphabetical value.YandereChan

Student_1 (Taro Yamada)




BoolCan be either true or false.true


FloatCan be any numeric value.1



IntCan be any whole numeric value.1



Commands List[]

NOTE: Not all animations can be used. Only the ones that either a character or the player uses can be used. All commands and their parameters are case sensitive.

Atmosphere:FloatSets the current atmosphere.Atmosphere:0.5
DecAtmosphere:FloatDecreases the current atmosphere.DecAtmosphere:20
Sanity:FloatSets the player's sanity.Sanity:0
AtTimeStartEvent:Int:StringStarts a cutscene at a specified 24-hour timeAtTimeStartEvent:13:LunchRoutine
DecSanity:FloatDecreases the current sanity.DecSanity:30
YanVisible:BoolToggles whether or not the player is visible. Students will still be able to see her, though.YanVisible:false
TimePaused:BoolToggles whether or not time will pass.TimePaused:true
TimeText:TextChanges what time the HUD displays.TimeText:430
SetTime:FloatChanges the current time.SetTime:4000
YanAddNewAdds student animations to the player so that they can be played with YanPlayExistingAnimation or YanCrossFadeExistingAnimations.YanAddNew
SanityBasedKills:BoolToggles sanity animations.SanityBasedKills:true
YanCanMove:BoolToggles whether or not the player can move.YanCanMove:false
YanPlayExistingAnimation:TextMakes the player play an animation. Requires YanAddNew before it if that animation is for students. The animation will not play unless the player cannot move and has their animation stopped with YanStopExistingAnimation.YanPlayExistingAnimation:f02_idle_20
YanCrossFadeExistingAnimation:TextMakes the player play an animation, while cushioning the animation that was played before it. Requires YanAddNew before it if that animation is for students. The animation will not play unless the player cannot move and has their animation stopped with YanStopExistingAnimation.YanCrossFadeExistingAnimation:f02_newWalk_00
YanStopExistingAnimationStops the current animation the player is using. The animation will not stop unless the player cannot move.YanStopExistingAnimation
YanExistingAnimationSpeed:Text:FloatSet's a speed for how fast a animation YandereChan is playing is. (Waring it only sets the speed for the animation!)YanExistingAnimationSpeed:f02_newWalk_00:1.5
YanHair:IntChanges the player's current hairstyle.YanHair:102
YanSetIdleAnim:TextSet's the player's idle animation. Requires YanAddNew before it if that animation is for students.YanSetIdleAnim:f02_idle_20
YanSetWalkAnim:TextSet's the player's walk animation. Requires YanAddNew before it if that animation is for students.YanSetWalkAnim:f02_newWalk_00
YanSetRunAnim:TextSet's the player's run animation. Requires YanAddNew before it if that animation is for students.YanSetRunAnim:f02_run_00
YanSetAnimLoop:Text:IntMakes an animation yandere chan plays slower or faster . Requires YanAddNew before it if that animation is for students.YanSetAnimLoop:f02_newWalk_00:7
YanReplaceAnim:Text:TextReplaces one of the player's animations with a different one.YanReplaceAnim:f02_demonIdle_00:f02_idleShort_00
CharacterReplaceAnim:Text:Text:TextReplaces a character's animation with a different one.CharacterReplaceAnim:Student_ID:Animation:NewAnimation

CharacterReplaceAnim:Student_2 (Sakyu Basu):f02_demonIdle_00:f02_idleShort_00

RefPathfinding:Text:TextMakes a student find and follow another student.

RefPathfinding:Student_5 (Horuda Puresu):Student_6 (Kyuji Konagawa)


Changes the speed of pathfinding for a student.RefPathfindingSpeed:Student_39 (Midori Gurin):4

Gives a Student one of Yandere-Chan's Hairstyles.

The first parameter for the student. Second for the hairstyle. The third can be anything. It is the duplicated hairstyle's name.

HairFromYanTo2:Student_2 (Sakyu Basu):LovelyHair:LovelyHairSakyu
KillCharacter:TextKills a student or teacher.KillCharacter:Student_4 (Kuu Dere)


killbydeathtype:StudentScript student:int deathtypeKills a student or teacher with a specific death type.killbydeathtype:Student_4 (Kuu Dere):2


1 = killed/bleeding

2 = killed/NotBleeding

3 = Tranquilized

4 = Decapitated

5 = Burned To Death

6 = Dismembered

Activate:Text:BoolActivates or deactivates game objects. Can be anything from a student to a bucket.(To make Taro invisible)

Activate:Student_1 (Taro Yamada)/Character/m01:false

(To disable the whole school)


SetUniform:Text:IntChanges the uniform of a student.

1 - Short Sleeve Uniform

2 - Long Sleeve Uniform

3 - Short Sleeve Sweater Uniform

4 - Brown Blazer

5 - Black and Red Blazer

6 - Black and Red Long Sleeve Uniform

SetUniform:Student_2 (Sakyu Basu):2
SetClothing:Text:IntChanges the clothing of a student.

0 - Towel (Nude if male)

1 - School Uniform

2 - Swimwear

3 - Gym Uniform

4 - Martial Arts Outfit

SetClothing:Student_2 (Sakyu Basu):2
FenceActivates both Fences.Fence
Fence.Set:BoolActivates / deactivates both Fences.Fence.Set:false // Fence.Set:true
SaveClassSeat ClassSeatPosition:Vector 3Changes your Class Seat Position + Prompt and Aura (Yandere Chans Seat)


ClassSeatPosition:9, 8, -26

HairStyle:Text:IntChanges the Hairstyle of the selected Student.HairStyle:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka):0
YanEmptyTorsoMakes the Torso of Yandere Chan EmptyYanEmptyTorso
StudEmptyTorso:TextMakes the Torso of a Student EmptyStudEmptyTorso:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka)
PrepDelsLocates the Delinquent under the Ground and removes the Timer.PrepDels
Teacher:Text:BoolGives a Student, Teacher Functions (Apprehending you, sending you to the Guidance Counselor, being private, etc.)Teacher:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka):true
RightEyeColor:Text:Color colorChanges the Right EyeColor of a Student.RightEyeColor:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka):1, 0, 0

LeftEyeColor:Student_ID (FN LN):red, green, blue

LeftEyeColor:Text:Color colorChanges the Left EyeColor of a Student.LeftEyeColor:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka):1, 1, 0

LeftEyeColor:Student_ID (FN LN):red, green, blue

InEvent:Text:BoolIf you activate this, you can't speak to the Student that you set into InEvent.InEvent:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka):true
ActivatePlayer:BoolActivates / deactivates the PlayerActivatePlayer:false
FirstPerson1Detaches the Camera from Yandere Chan (just like Cinematic Camera Mode!)FirstPerson1
FirstPersonAttaches the Camera to Yandere Chans Head, enables a 1. Person View (Controls are a bit Hard!)FirstPerson
DeAttach:TextDetaches a Gameobject and changes its Parent to the Root.DeAttach:[Object you want!]

Enables a PlayAsBoy Mode

[it might not work in Unity 5 anymore!]

RemoveDebugMenuMakes the Debug Menu unaccessable!RemoveDebugMenu

Makes the EasterEgg Menu



Enables / disables the PoseMod


RainySkyChanges the Skybox to a Rainy Skybox!RainySky
NightSkyChanges the Skybox to a Night Skybox!NightSky
LockDoorAt:Vector3 locationLocks a Door at a Specific Position.LockDoorAt:x , y, z
OpenDoorAt:Vector3 locationOpens a Door at a Specific PositionOpenDoorAt:x ,y, z
LayerToYan:TextAdds the Selected GameObject as a Layer on Yandere Chan.LayerToYan:[Object you want!]
AttachSkinnedMeshTo:Text:TextAttaches the Mesh of Object 1 to Object 2! [Might require more Commands!]AttachSkinnedMeshTo:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka):YandereChan
AttachSkinnedMesh:TextAttaches the Mesh of Object 1 automatically to Yandere ChanAttachSkinnedMesh:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka)
AttachSkinnedMeshWithPrefix:Text:TextAttaches the Mesh of Object 1 automatically to YandereChan and changes the Name of the attached Object!AttachSkinnedMeshWithPrefix:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka):Kokonut
RandStuds:TextThe Name you enter will automatically be an Random generated Student.RandStuds:Kokona Haruka
RestartDayRestarts the Day!RestartDay
PlayerPrefInt:FemaleUniform:IntChanges the Uniform of the whole schoolPlayerPrefInt:FemaleUniform:5


SetAccessory:Text:Int:BoolEnables an accessory on a Student.


0 = Book

1 = Arm band

2 = Bento

3 = Phone

4 = Green phone

5 = Pen

6 = Leg warmers

SetAccessory:Student_39 (Midori Gurin):4:true
DoStudAccessory:Text:Int:BoolAdds a club accessory to a student. "Int" refers to the Club's ID number.

(Where Cooking = 1, Drama = 2, Occult = 3, Art = 4, Music = 5, Martial Arts = 6, Photo = 7, Science = 8, Sports = 9, Gardening = 10, and Gaming = 11)

DoStudAccessory:Student_5 (Horuda Puresu):3:true
TimeScale:FloatChanges how fast time passesTimeScale:5

AMZE's Commands List[]

NOTE: These commands will only work in newer versions of Pose Mod (Unity 2019 and Unity 2017). Some commands, such as SpawnSpecial, may no longer function as intended in the official demo builds.

EnableGameObject:ObjectName:BoolThis Enables/Disables an Object! Practically a force Activation for hidden Objects.EnableGameObject:SmallTree:false
EnableGameObjectComponents:ObjectName:BoolEnables/Disables ALL GameObject Components(Scripts, AudioSources, etc.
PromptLabelText:PromptObjectName(MurderPrompt for example!):LabelID:LabelTextChanges a Prompt's Label Text.
PromptLabelColor:PromptObjectName(MurderPrompt for example!):LabelID:Red:Green:BlueChanges a Prompt's Label color.
Pathfinding.Enabled:Student_ID (Student Name):BoolThis can be used for Events, to make a student Stop following their Routine! Basically the Command from KG to make a Character stop moving, just without glitching movements.
DisableStudentPrompt:Student_ID (Student Name)Disables a StudentPrompt.DisableStudentPrompt:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka)
EnableStudentPrompt:Student_ID (Student Name)Enables a StudentPrompt.EnableStudentPrompt:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka)
ChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:MeshRendererObject:MaterialID:ShaderName ("Toon/Lighted Outline" for example.)Changes a Shader of a Renderer through the Shader Names.
ChangeMaterialShader.ThroughRenderer:MeshRendererObject:MaterialID:OtherMeshRendererObject:OtherMaterialIDChanges a Shader of a Renderer through the Shader Names!
YanEmptyHandsRemoves Every Object out of YandereChans Hands!YanEmptyHands
RendererColor2:Object:MaterialID:R:G:BThis changed the Material color selecting through the ID.
DestroyYanPantysDestroys Yandere-chan's panty model.DestroyYanPantys
ChangeShaderInt.ThroughFind:RendererObject:MaterialID:ShaderVar:VariableChanges stuff like a Shaders "_Outlines" to a value (default is: 0.002).
ChangeShaderFloat.ThroughFind:RendererObject:MaterialID:ShaderVar:VariableChanges stuff like a Shaders "_Outlines" to a value (default is: 0.002)
EmptyStudentMesh:Student_ID (Student Name)Changes a student's mesh to nothing, can be used for replacing a whole character model.EmptyStudentMesh:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka)
ModelAttacher:Attachment:PelvisRoot of the Object you want to attach to (called Character sometimes too!)Attaches Rigged Object 1 to Object 2.
RiggedAccessoryAttacher:Object you want to attach to:Attachment:The Object materials that should be used for the mesh!Attaches Rigged Object 1 to Object 2, this is the way YandereDev adds the eye types and attaches rigged models.
SpawnStudent:StudentID:NameOfTheStudentSpawns a student, useful for stuff like different Spawn Times or spawning under certain conditions!SpawnStudent:Student_30: (Kokona Haruka)
Private:Student_ID (Student Name):BoolMakes a student "private," making you unable to talk to them, and certain stuff won't work anymore.Private:Student_11 (Osana Najimi):true
CanTalk:Student_ID (Student Name):BoolYou can allow a student to be interactable or not.CanTalk:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka):false
ChangeDestinationName:Student_ID (Student Name):Phase:DestinationNameChanges a Student's Destination Name on a Certain phase of the day.ChangeDestinationName:Student_4 (Kuu Dere):2:Week2Hangout
ChangeActionName:Student_ID (Student Name):Phase:ActionNameChanges a Student's Action Name on a Certain phase of the day.ChangeActionName:Student_4 (Kuu Dere):2:Socialize
StudentBlush:Student_X (Name):Int (I recommend between 0 and 1!)Changes a Student's Blush.StudentBlush:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka):1
CharacterSetRelaxAnim:Student_ID (Student Name):StringChanges a Student's Relax Animation.CharacterSetRelaxAnim:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka):f02_sit_00
CharacterSetPatrolAnim:Student_ID (Student Name):StringChanges a Student's Patrol Animation.
CharacterSetSitAnim:Student_ID (Student Name):StringChanges a Student's Sit Animation.
charactersetshoveanim:Student_ID (Student Name):StringChanges a Student’s Push Animationcharactersetshoveanim:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi):f02_pushCouncilStrict_00
Pushable:Student_ID (Student Name):BoolMakes a Student Pushable, just like a student on the roof.Pushable:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka):true
Drownable:Student_ID (Student Name):BoolMakes a Student Drownable, just like a student at the Fountain or on the Toilet.Drownable:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka):true
CharacterAddAnimations:Folderpath to the designated AssetBundle:Student_X (Name)Adds Animations from an AssetBundle to a Student.
AddRigidbody:GameObjectAdds a Rigidbody onto a GameObject, this allows the GameObject to have physics and be like a ball, or a falling weight, weapon, etc...
EnableRigidbody:GameObjectEnables a Rigidbody which is on specific GameObjects.
SubtitleDistanceScaleObject:GameObjectThe Scale of the Subtitle Changes depending on the distance between the Player and the Object that you choose above! Useful for events and cutscenes.
StopSpying:SpyObjectMakes you stop spying, useful for Events.
CharacterAddNew:Student_ID (Student Name)This isn't a new Command, though it now adds RivalChan's, Geiju's, Headmasters, Counselor's and Gardening Club animations to Students too.CharacterAddNew:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka)
ObjectAnimationPlay:GameObject with Animation Component:AnimationNamePlays an Object animation on a Specific Object.
ObjectAnimationCrossfade:GameObject with Animation Component:AnimationNameCrossfades an Object animation on a Specific Object.
ListAllObjectAnims:GameObject with Animation ComponentCreates a txt. in your Streaming AssetsFolder, which contains all Animation names on your Animation Component, useful to use those Animations.
Destroy:ObjectNameDestroys an Object, deletes it in a way.Destroy:Radio
Pathfinding.SetTarget:Student_ID (Student Name):XPos:YPos:ZPos: XRot:YRot:ZRotMakes a Character stop following their Routine and start following a Set Target, this doesn't overwrite the Routine Slot.
Pathfinding.SetTargetToSpot:Student_ID (Student Name):ObjectNameMakes a Character stop following their Routine and start following an OBJECT OR SPOT, this doesn't overwrite the Routine Slot.Pathfinding.SetTargetToSpot:Student_40 (Mai Waifu):Radio
Pathfinding.ReturnToRoutine:Student_ID (Student Name)Makes a Character pathfind their current ROUTINE schedule again.Pathfinding.ReturnToRoutine:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka)
ChangeScheduleDestinationTarget:Student_ID (Student Name):Phase:XPos:YPos:ZPos: XRot:YRot:ZRotThis won't result in weird bugs and can actually use every destination in the JSON even Hangout,
and isn't depending on if there is a Transform signed to that destination since it basically signs a new Transform for its Schedule.
ChangeScheduleDestinationTargetToSpot:Student_ID (Student Name):Phase:ObjectNameThis won't result in weird bugs and can actually use every destination in the JSON even Hangout,
and isn't depending on if there is a Transform signed to that destination since it basically signs an existing Object for its Schedule. ALSO if you set a Spot using AddDestinationSpot
you can pathfind it with the name you set later too.
AddDestinationSpot:SpotName: Xpos:YPos:ZPos: XRot:YRot:ZRotAllows you to add Destination Spots that you can use later for pathfinding! using the ChangeScheduleDestinationTargetToSpot Command.
FirstPersonCam:BoolEnables / Disables the First Person mode.FirstPersonCam:true
Experimental Commands
Smooth rotation! and a speed, how fast it should rotate to the selected Rotation.
SmoothPosition:Object:XPos:YPos:ZPos:SpeedSmooth rotation! and a speed, how fast it should rotate to the selected Rotation.
Physics Commands
Physics.Add:Bone you want to have Physics for!Adds Physics to a Bone, that is used for hairs at the moments! WARNING only use a BONE not an OBJECT since they will start changing their Positions in bizarre ways.
Physics.Damping:Bone:FloatChanges the Damping of the Physics.
Physics.Elasticity:Bone:FloatChanges the Elasticity of the Physics.
Physics.Inert:Bone:FloatChanges the Elasticity of the Physics.
Physics.Gravity:Bone:X:Y:ZChanges the Gravity of the Physics!
Physics.enabled:Bone:BoolEnables / Disables Physics.
Gravity.Set:X:Y:ZYou can set the Game's Gravity with this!
Gravity.ResetResets the Gravity!
Gravity.ZeroGravitySets the gravity to Zero Gravity!
JiggleBone.Add:Bone you want to have a JiggleBone for!Adds a JiggleBone to a Bone! WARNING only use a BONE not an OBJECT since they will start changing their Positions in bizarre ways.
JiggleBone.Damping:Bone:FloatChanges the Damping of the JiggleBone.
JiggleBone.TargetDistance:Bone:FloatChanges the TargetDistance of the JiggleBone.
JiggleBone.Mass:Bone:FloatChanges the Mass of the JiggleBone.
JiggleBone.Gravity:Bone:FloatChanges the Gravity of the JiggleBone.
JiggleBone.enabled:Bone:BoolEnables / Disables a JiggleBone.
If Commands
if:ObjectNearPoint:ObjectName:X:Y:Z:MIN DISTANCEChecks if an Object is near a specific position in a specific radius.
if:Time:MinTime:MaxTimeChecks if the current time is between the MinTime and the Max time, useful so that events won't play after a certain Time.
if:PromptPressed:PromptObjectChecks if a Prompt is being pressed.
if:StudReputationIsAbove:Student_ID (Student Name):IntChecks if a Student Reputation is above a certain number!
if:StudReputationIsUnder:Student_ID (Student Name):IntChecks if a Student Reputation is under a certain number!
if:Weekday:DayOfTheWeekChecks for a certain weekday! can be the Weekday name or number ( Example: Monday // Monday // 1 )
if:Key:KeyNameChecks for a certain Key and not starts a cutscene depending on if the key was pressed!
if:WeightChecks if Yandere Chan is carrying the 50kg Weight!
if:Weapon:WeaponIDChecks if YanChan is HOLDING a certain Weapon or not!
Other Commands
PlaySound5:Sound Name (Sounds folder):Object it plays on: Multiplication of the height (I recommend values like 1.5):Bool for changing the Sound pitch depending on the games speed:Bool for if it should loop!Useful to make it sound correctly try certain values like 1.5):Bool for changing the Sound pitch depending on the Game's Speed!:Bool for if it should loop.
Already Existing Routine Spots.


Rainbow 6 Girls:

Hangout2 ( Yui )

Hangout3 ( Yuna )

Hangout4 ( Koharu )

Hangout5 ( Mei )

Hangout6 ( Saki )

Hangout7 ( Kokona )

Rainbow 6 Boys:

Hangout8 ( Haruto )

Hangout9 ( Sota )

Hangout10 ( Hayato )

Hangout11 ( Ryusei )

Hangout12 ( Sora )

Hangout13 ( Riku )

Gaming Club:

Hangout14 ( Pippi )

Hangout15 ( Ryuto )

Hangout16 ( Midori )

Hangout20 ( Waifu )

Basu Sisters:

Hangout17 ( Sister1, Inkyu )

Hangout18 ( Sister2, Sakyu )


Hangout19 ( Kuudere )

Martial Arts Club:

Hangout21 (MA Master, Budo )

Hangout22 (MA Journeyman, Sho )

Hangout23 (MA Apprentice, Juku )

Hangout24 (MA Journeyman, Mina )

Hangout25 (MA Apprentice, Shima )

Occult Club:

Hangout26 (Occult President, Oka )

Hangout27 (Occult Crush, Shin )

Hangout28 (Occult Girl 1, Supana )

Hangout29 (Occult Boy 1, Chojo )

Hangout30 (Occult Girl 2, Kokuma )

Hangout31 (Occult Boy 2, Daku )


Hangout32 (Horuda)


Hangout33 ( Osana )

Bully Hangouts:

Hangout81 (Musume)

Hangout82 (Bully 1, Kashiko )

Hangout83 (Bully 2, Hana )

Hangout84 (Bully 3, Kokoro )

Hangout85 (Bully 4, Hoshiko )

SC Hangouts:

Hangout (Strict, Kuroko )

Hangout (Casual, Shiromi )

Hangout (Grace, Akane )

Hangout (Edgy, Aoi )

Special Hangouts:

Hangout34 (Kizana)

Hangout (Megami)

Making Custom Events/Cutscenes for the Demo Release[]

This section showcases how to make custom events & cutscenes for the demo release of the game!

This tutorial will teach you how to make Shiromi stand in the Tea House, and talk for a little bit. You can use these commands as a template for other events, too!

Before we begin:[]

Before we begin, I'd like to mention some formatting use in this section:

Commands that we will be putting in our cutscene will be formatted like this. You copy these into your cutscene .txt file (Except for this line of course!)

Command Templates will be formatted like this, and place holder text will be formatted like this.

Anything else will be formatted like this.

An overview of what we will learn and apply:[]

  • Add Destination Spots
  • Place and Rotate Characters using defined Destination Spots
  • Disable Pathfinding & Prompts
  • Make our character animate and use subtitles to make it look realistic
  • Make our character return to her normal schedule.

Adding Destination Spots[]

To add custom destination spots, we will be using the following command:


So, let's add two spots that we will be using later in our cutscene.


Placing and Rotating Characters[]

To place and rotate characters, we will be using the following commands:

RefPositionRef:Student_ID (FirstName LastName):SPOTNAME

RefRotation:Student_ID (FirstName LastName):RX:RY:RZ

So let's apply this to Shiromi:

RefPositionRef:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi):CouncilGreet
RefRotation:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi):0:222:0

Disabling Pathfinding and Prompts[]

Next, we HAVE to use these commands, or else our student will walk away:

CharacterToEdit:Student_ID (FirstName LastName):true

Pathfinding.Enabled:Student_ID (FirstName LastName):false

DisableStudentPrompt:Student_ID (FirstName LastName)

DisableStudentPrompt:Student_ID (FirstName LastName)

DisableStudentPrompt:Student_ID (FirstName LastName)

DisableStudentPrompt:Student_ID (FirstName LastName)

DisableStudentPrompt:Student_ID (FirstName LastName)

These commands disable Pathfinding and Prompts. Now, let's apply this to Shiromi:

CharacterToEdit:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi):true
Pathfinding.Enabled:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi):false
DisableStudentPrompt:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi)
DisableStudentPrompt:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi)
DisableStudentPrompt:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi)
DisableStudentPrompt:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi)
DisableStudentPrompt:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi)

Adding Character Animations & Subtitles[]

Now that we've placed Shiromi and stopped her from moving and disabled her prompts, now we can do the fun part: Adding Character Animations and Subtitles! First, let's showcase some new commands we will be using.

New Commands
Subtitle.New:TEXTPlaces a subtitle on the screen, just like scripted events.
Wait:INTWaits a number of seconds before moving onto the next line.
AnimCrossfade:Student_ID (FirstName LastName):ANIMATIONTransitions from one animation to another, defining a student & animation.

Now, copy this into your cutscene .txt file:

Subtitle.New:Hi there! woah, you modded a cutscene! thats so cool!
// Note: when you add two forward slashes at the start of a line, that means it's a comment, and won't be run as code.
// Make Shiromi say something!
AnimCrossfade:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi):f02_carefreeTalk_02
// Give Shiromi A Talking Animation!
// If we don't add this and we clear the subtitle (next line), the text dissapears so we can't read it!(It will not work in new pose mod(I think) )
// This clears the subtitle currently on the screen!
RefPositionRef:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi):CouncilMeeting
RefRotation:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi):0:206:0
// Move Shiromi across the room!
Subtitle.New:I have to go now. See ya!
// Make her say goodbye!

Making our Character return to their normal schedule[]

To make a character return to their normal routine, we have to use these commands:

CharacterToEdit:Student_ID (FirstName LastName):false

Pathfinding.Enabled.Student_ID (FirstName LastName):true

EnableStudentPrompt:Student_ID (FirstName LastName)

EnableStudentPrompt:Student_ID (FirstName LastName)

EnableStudentPrompt:Student_ID (FirstName LastName)

EnableStudentPrompt:Student_ID (FirstName LastName)

EnableStudentPrompt:Student_ID (FirstName LastName)

So let's apply this to Shiromi:

CharacterToEdit:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi):false
Pathfinding.Enabled:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi):true
EnableStudentPrompt:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi)
EnableStudentPrompt:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi)
EnableStudentPrompt:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi)
EnableStudentPrompt:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi)
EnableStudentPrompt:Student_87 (Shiromi Torayoshi)


And congrats! Congrats, we've just made a simple cutscene!

Now for some more complex commands!

If you're making a full scale mod, on your main mod txt file we can use code to run our event at a specific day/time. We will play our cutscene at pm on a monday for example.


Now our cutscene runs automatically!

If you use this tutorial to make your own cutscenes, comment them below! Any questions? comment them as well, and i'll do my best to answer!

Frequently Used Commands[]

These are strings of very useful commands that modders use often. Fill in the values like ID, Student Name, NameOfHair, NewName etc. with your desired names. It can be anything you want! Some commands here are only for the old Pose Mod, but many work in the new Pose Mod as well. If you want to add a command, make sure it works and put a warning if it only works in old (or new) Pose Mod.

How to disable Yandere-Chan automatic shoes change:

//If you're using the July 15th 2023 build or after, use this command

Command added by 22MizukiChan22

How to give a student one of Yandere-chan's hairstyles and texture it:

HairStyle:Student_ID (Student Name):0HairFromYanTo2:Student_ID (Student Name):NameOfHair:NewNameOfHairOpenTexture:NameOfTexture.pngTexture3:0:NewName

How to texture one of Yandere-chan's hairstyles:


How to give a student custom stockings:

SetStudentStockingsTexture:Student_ID (Student Name):StockingTexture.png

Note: only works on female students!

How to texture a student's uniform:

ChangeShoes:Student_ID (Student Name)SetStudentBodyTexture:Student_ID (Student Name):UniformTexture.png

How to texture a student's face:

SetStudentFaceTexture:Student_ID (Student Name):FaceTexture.pngActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Iris:false

How to texture Yandere-chan's uniform:


How to texture Yandere-chan's face:


How to remove students without editing JSON file and remove school items:

Activate:Student_ID (FN LN):false

How to play as a male (NEW POSE MOD):

Activate:YandereShoePrompt:falseYanHair:0YanVisible2Duplicate:Student_ID (FN LN):MODELNAMEChangeShoes:MODELNAMEHairStyle:MODELNAME:35RiggedAccessoryAttacher:YandereChan:MODELNAME:MODELNAME/Character/m01/m01_schoolwear_000_hActivateChildAll:MODELNAME:HAIRNAME:trueDuplicate:HAIRNAME:NEWNAMEDeliYanHair:NEWNNAMEDestroy:MODELNAMEYanAddNewYanSetIdleAnim:ANIMNAME_00YanSetWalkAnim:ANIMNAME_00YanSetRunAnim:ANIMNAME_00RefScale:YandereChan:1:1:1

FYI: Male animations do NOT use the f02_ prefix. Using female animations on a male character will cause their eyes to look strange unless you use the below command.

How to fix male eyes when using female animations:

HikariFujii put this here! you're welcome!

How to disable sanity-based kills:


How to make Yandere-chan's skirt short:


How to attach a cardigan to a student (WARNING! This command does not work the new Pose Mod!):

LoadPrefab:CardiganPrefab:0,-5,0:0,90,0Duplicate:CardiganPrefab:MusumeCardiganRefPosition:MusumeCardigan:0:-5:0RefRotation:MusumeCardigan:0:0:0OpenTexture:CardiganTexture.pngTexture:1:MusumeCardigan/CardiganSailorUniformOpenTexture:SailorUniformTexture.pngTexture:0:MusumeCardigan/CardiganSailorUniformOpenTexture:FaceTexture.pngTexture:2:MusumeCardigan/CardiganSailorUniformChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:MusumeCardigan/CardiganSailorUniform:0:Toon/BasicChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:MusumeCardigan/CardiganSailorUniform:1:Toon/BasicChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:MusumeCardigan/CardiganSailorUniform:2:Toon/BasicRiggedAccessoryAttacher:Student_X (Student Name):MusumeCardigan:MusumeCardigan/CardiganSailorUniform

How to give Yandere-chan a Cooking Club apron and texture it:


How to give a female student a waist hoodie:

ActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Hoodie:trueOpenTexture:HoodieTexture.pngTexture:0:Student_ID (Student Name)/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Hoodie/HoodieMeshTexture:Student_ID (Student Name)/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Hoodie/HoodieMeshTexture:2:Student_ID (Student Name)/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Hoodie/HoodieMesh

Thanks to scissors luv on Discord!

How to give Yandere-chan a waist hoodie:

ActivateChildAll:Teacher_11:Hoodie:trueDuplicate:Hoodie:YanHoodieActivateChildAll:Teacher_11:Hoodie:falseAttach:YanHoodie:YandereChan/Character/PelvisRoot/HipsRefLocalPosition:YanHoodie:0:-0.9:0.01RefLocalRotation:YanHoodie:0:0:0OpenTexture:Texture name.pngTexture3:0:YanHoodie

Thanks to FUN WITH JOSHUA on Youtube!

How to attach the Rival-chan model to a student texture it:

!!WARNING!! The Satomi Makise model (the Rival-chan model) does NOT have eyes! Be sure to keep the student's original eyes, otherwise it will look strange.

//Attach Rival-chan's model to a studentOneFrame:trueRenameRefChild:Ribaru:LeftBreastRENAMED:LeftBreast1RenameRefChild:Ribaru:RightBreastRENAMED:RightBreast1RiggedAccessoryAttacher:Student_ID (Student Name):Ribaru:Ribaru/f05/f05_schoolwear_200_hRendererColor2:Ribaru/f05/f05_schoolwear_200_h:0:1:1:1RendererColor2:Ribaru/f05/f05_schoolwear_200_h:1:1:1:1ChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:Ribaru/f05/f05_schoolwear_200_h:0:Toon/Lighted OutlineChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:Ribaru/f05/f05_schoolwear_200_h:1:Toon/Lighted OutlineChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:Ribaru/f05/f05_schoolwear_200_h:2:Toon/Lighted OutlineChangeShaderFloat.ThroughFind:Ribaru/f05/f05_schoolwear_200_h:0:_Outline:0.002ChangeShaderFloat.ThroughFind:Ribaru/f05/f05_schoolwear_200_h:1:_Outline:0.002ChangeShaderFloat.ThroughFind:Ribaru/f05/f05_schoolwear_200_h:2:_Outline:0.002//Disabling the student's original modelActivate:Student_ID (Student Name)/Character/f02:false//Give the students Rival-chan's hairstyleHairStyle:Student_ID (Student Name):0HairFromYanTo2:Student_ID (Student Name):CuteHair:RivalChanHair//Texture the modelOpenTexture:UniformTexture.pngTexture:1:Ribaru/f05/f05_schoolwear_200_hOpenTexture:FaceTexture.pngTexture:2:Ribaru/f05/f05_schoolwear_200_h//Give the student Rival-chan's animationsAddAnimationsFrom:Student_ID (Student Name):RivalChanCharacterSetIdleAnim:Student_ID (Student Name):idle_01RefLocalPosition:RivalChan:-4.985:-2.550:-6.000OneFrame:false

Command by Yansimspokétale, no need to credit.

How to give a student Megami's hairstyle:

ChangeShoes:Student_ID (Student Name)HairStyle:Student_ID (Student Name):0Duplicate:SCPHair:NewNameDeliStudHair:NewName:Student_ID (Student Name)ChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:NewName/SCPHairMesh:0:Toon/Lighted OutlineRendererColor2:NewName/SCPHairMesh:0:1:1:1EnableGameObjectComponents:NewName:trueChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:NewName/SCPHairMesh:0:Toon/Lighted OutlineRendererColor2:NewName/SCPHairMesh:0:1:1:1EnableGameObjectComponents:NewName:true

How to give Yandere-Chan a bookbag and texture it:


How to change a student's uniform and texture it:

ChangeShoes:Student_ID (Student Name)SetUniform:Student_ID (Student Name):Int (1-6)SetStudentBodyTexture:Student_ID (Student Name):YourTexture.png

How to give a male student a delinquent uniform:

Duplicate:Student_76 (Umeji Kizuguchi):NewNameOpenTexture:NameOfTexture.pngTexture:1:NewNameOpenTexture:HairTexture.pngTexture:2:NewNameEmptyStudentMesh:Student_ID (Student Name)RiggedAccessoryAttacher:Student_ID (Student Name):Student_76 (Umeji Kizuguchi):New/Character/m01/m01_schoolwear_000_h

How to attach the gentle eyes model to Yandere-chan:

Fun fact: Mai Waifu used this model in older builds before eye types were implemented!

EmptyYanMeshRenameRefChild:GentleEyes:LeftBreastRENAMED:LeftBreastRenameRefChild:GentleEyes:RightBreastRENAMED:RightBreastRiggedAccessoryAttacher:YandereChan:GentleEyes:GentleEyes/BaldSchoolUniformNewRendererColor2:GentleEyes/BaldSchoolUniformNew:0: 1: 1: 1RendererColor2:GentleEyes/BaldSchoolUniformNew: 1: 1: 1: 1ChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:GentleEyes/BaldSchoolUniformNew:0:Toon/Lighted OutlineChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:GentleEyes/BaldSchoolUniformNew:1:Toon/Lighted OutlineChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:GentleEyes/BaldSchoolUniformNew:2:Toon/Lighted OutlineChangeShaderFloat.ThroughFind:GentleEyes/BaldSchoolUniformNew:0:_Outline:0.002ChangeShaderFloat.ThroughFind:GentleEyes/BaldSchoolUniformNew:1:_Outline:0.002ChangeShaderFloat.ThroughFind:GentleEyes/BaldSchoolUniformNew:2:_Outline:0.002OpenTexture:Uniform.pngTexture:0:GentleEyes/BaldSchoolUniformNewTexture:1:GentleEyes/BaldSchoolUniformNewOpenTexture:Face.pngTexture:2:GentleEyes/BaldSchoolUniformNewYanVisible2DestroyYanPantys

How to attach a waist cardigan to Yandere-chan and texture it:

Duplicate:Student_82 (Kashiko Murasaki):KashActivateChildAll:Kash:CardiganWaist:trueRiggedAccessoryAttacher:YandereChan:CardiganWaist:CardiganWaist/CardiganWaistAttach:CardiganWaist:YandereChan/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/SpineDestroy:KashOpenTexture:CardiganTexture.pngTexture3:0:NewName

How to apply and texture a waist cardigan to a student:

ActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):CardiganWaist:trueRenameRefChild:Student_ID (Student Name):CardiganWaist:NewNameOpenTexture:WaistTexture.pngTexture3:0:NewName

To give a student Nemesis' hairstyle:

EnableGameObject:Nemesis:trueEnableGameObjectComponents:Nemesis:trueActivate:NemesisHairFinal:trueHairStyle:Student_ID (Student Name):0DeliStudHair:NemesisHairFinal:Student_ID (Student Name)EnableGameObject:Nemesis:falseEnableGameObjectComponents:Nemesis:false

How to give Yandere-chan Fun Girl's hairstyle:


Command to create a student's portrait:

ToggleAllPhysics:false//You might need to use Pose Mode to freeze the student and pose/animate them!Portrait.Create:Student_ID (Student Name):Pose_0

How to play as a teacher:

Note: If you're using the new Pose Mod, replace all of the "Teacher_21" to "Teacher_21_Rino f*ckahori" or it will not work.


How to attach the nurse outfit to Yandere-chan:

Note: If you're using the new Pose Mod, replace the refname "Nurse" with "Nurse_Nasu Kankoshi" or it will not work.

RenameRef:Nurse_Nasu Kankoshi:BurseDuplicate:Burse:NurseRenameRefChild:Nurse_Nasu Kankoshi:LeftBreastRENAMED:LeftBreastRenameRefChild:Nurse_Nasu Kankoshi:RightBreastRENAMED:RightBreastRiggedAccessoryAttacher:YandereChan:Nurse_Nasu Kankoshi:Nurse_Nasu Kankoshi/Character/f02/f02_schoolwear_210_hYanVisible:falseDestroy:NurseRenameRef:Burse:Nurse

How to attach the nurse outfit to a student:

Duplicate:LewdNurse_Blendshapes:Female_Nurse_Outfit_00 RefScale:Student_ID (Student Name)/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/LeftBreastRENAMED:1.0:1.0:1.0RefScale:Student_ID (Student Name)/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/RightBreastRENAMED:1.0:1.0:1.0RefScale:Student_ID (Student Name)/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/LeftNipple:1.0:1.0:1.0RefScale:Student_ID (Student Name)/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/RightNipple:1.0:1.0:1.0 ChangeShoes:Student_ID (Student Name)EmptyStudentMesh:Student_ID (Student Name)RenameRefChild:Female_Nurse_Outfit_00:LeftBreastRENAMED:LeftBreastRenameRefChild:Female_Nurse_Outfit_00:RightBreastRENAMED:RightBreastRiggedAccessoryAttacher:Student_ID (Student Name):Female_Nurse_Outfit_00:Female_Nurse_Outfit_00/f02_nurse_00_hRenameRefChild:Female_Nurse_Outfit_00:LeftBreast:LeftBreastRENAMEDRenameRefChild:Female_Nurse_Outfit_00:RightBreast:RightBreastRENAMEDDestroy:Female_Nurse_Outfit_00 OpenTexture:FaceTexture.pngTexture:0:Student_ID (Student Name)/f02_nurse_00_hActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Iris:falseActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):IrisLight:false //around the chest (Must use the female naked texture)OpenTexture:NakedTexture.pngTexture:2:Student_ID (Student Name)/f02_nurse_00_h //Stockings and arms (Must use the texture of the short-sleeved sailor uniform)OpenTexture:UniformTexture.pngTexture:3:Student_ID (Student Name)/f02_nurse_00_h

How to make a female student follow Yandere-chan:

InEvent:Student_ID (Student Name):truelbl:Loopif:ObjectNearOtherObject:Student_ID (Student Name):YandereChan:1.2jmp:ObstacleNotNearjmp:ObstacleNearlbl:ObstacleNearPathfinding.Enabled:Student_ID (Student Name):falseCharacterAnimationCrossfade:Student_ID (Student Name):f02_idleShort_00RotateTowards:Student_ID (Student Name):YandereChanRefPathfindingSpeed:Student_ID (Student Name):0jmp:Looplbl:ObstacleNotNearPathfinding.Enabled:Student_ID (Student Name):truePathfinding.SetTargetToSpot:Student_ID (Student Name):YandereChanRefPathfindingSpeed:Student_ID (Student Name):Floatjmp:Loop

How to give Yandere-chan a club leader armband:

ActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Armband:trueRenameRefChild:Student_ID (Student Name):Armband:StudArmbandOpenTexture:ArmbandTexture.pngTexture:0:StudArmbandTexture:1:StudArmbandTexture:2:StudArmbandTexture2:0:StudArmbandTexture2:1:StudArmbandTexture2:2:StudArmbandTexture3:0:StudArmbandRenameRefChild:Student_ID (Student Name):StudArmband:Armband
RenameRefChild:YandereChan:YanArmband:DestroyYanArmbandDestroy:DestroyYanArmbandActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Armband:trueRenameRefChild:Student_ID (Student Name):Armband:TemporalRenameDuplicate:TemporalRename:YanArmbandRenameRefChild:Student_ID (Student Name):TemporalRename:ArmbandActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Armband:falseAttach:YanArmband:YandereChan/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/LeftShoulder/LeftArmRefLocalPosition:YanArmband:-0.06666667:-0.006666667:0.005RefLocalRotation3:YanArmband:0:0:0RefScale:YanArmband:1.05:1.05:1.05OpenTexture:ArmbandTexture.pngTexture:0:YanArmbandTexture:1:YanArmbandTexture:2:YanArmbandTexture2:0:YanArmbandTexture2:1:YanArmbandTexture2:2:YanArmband

How to attach a waist hoodie to a female student and texture it:

Command 1:Slime is the only duplication name accepted on some builds.Duplicate:Hoodie:SlimeAttach:Slime:Student_ID (Student Name)/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/SpineRefLocalPosition:Slime:0:-1:0.00RefRotation3:Slime:0:180:0RefLocalRotation3:Slime:0:0:0OpenTexture:HoodieTexture.pngTexture:0:SlimeTexture2:0:SlimeCommand 2:ActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Hoodie:trueRenameRefChild:Student_ID (Student Name):Hoodie:NewNameOpenTexture:HoodieTexture.pngTexture:0:NewNameTexture2:0:NewName

How to make a student wear the Cheongsam dress:

Oneframe:trueStudEmptyTorso:Student_ID (Student Name)EnableGameObject:RedChinaDress:trueDuplicate:RedChinaDress:CheongasmRenameRefChild:Cheongsam/RedChinaDressMesh:CheongsamMeshRenameRefChild:CheongasmMesh:LeftBreast:LeftBreastRENAMEDRenameRefChild:CheongasmMesh:RightBreast:RightBreastRENAMEDRiggedAccessoryAttacher:Student_ID (Student Name):Cheongsam:Cheongsam/CheongasmMeshEnableGameObject:RedChinaDress:false

How to give a student the four drills hairstyle:

HairStyle:Student_ID (Student Name #1):0HairFromYanTo2:Student_ID (Student Name #1):Drills:4drills1OpenTexture:CustomHairEXAMPLE.pngTexture3:0:4drills1OpenTexture:CustomDrillsEXAMPLE.pngTexture:0:4drills1/DrillsNewRefLocalPosition:4drills1/DrillsNew:0:-1.818:0.079HairFromYanTo2:Student_ID (Student Name #2):Drills:4drills2RefScale:4drills2:0.5:0.5:0.5RefScale:4drills2/DrillsNew:2:1.75:2OpenTexture:CustomHairEXAMPLE.pngTexture3:0:4drills2OpenTexture:CustomDrillsEXAMPLE.pngTexture:0:4drills2/DrillsNewRefLocalPosition:4drills2/DrillsNew:0:-3.8:-0.05RefLocalRotation3:4drills2/DrillsNew:0:0:0RefScale:4drills2/DrillsNew:2:2.5:2DeliStudHair:4drills2:Student_ID (Student Name #1)

Command by The Red Jewel

How to put a cooking apron on a student:

For a female student:
ActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):BD_C_Apron_Female:trueOpenTexture:ApronTexture.pngTexture3:0:Student_ID (Student Name)/BD_C_Apron_Female
For a male student:
ActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):BD_C_Apron_Male:trueOpenTexture:TheApronTex.pngTexture3:0:Student_ID (Student Name)/BD_C_Apron_Male

The new shape command:

Warning: this command only works in the new Pose Mod.

//To see the shapes of student incase you want to play as them just select a girl (they have to be a school uniform) in the Advanced menu and go to 'Shapes' and there you will see the shapes of the character// Shape List (As Of 5/1/21)
//Some models (like the counselor) have blendshapes that aren't on this listFace_SmileFace_AngryFace_MouthOpenFace_EarsFace_BigNoseFace_EyesClosedFace_SadFace_InsanityEyeType_ThinEyeType_RoundEyeType_DeliquentEyeType_NaughtyEyeType_GentleBody_ThickBody_SlimSkirt_LongSkirt_Short
//Also by the way if you used the RiggedAccessoryAttacher command, you can change the shapes by using:Shape:RefName/RiggedAccessoryMesh:ShapeType_Type:Int

How to put a knife on a student's hand :

Attach:Knife:Student_ID (Student Name)/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/RightShoulder/RightArm/RightArmRoll/RightForeArm/RightForeArmRoll/RightHandRefLocalPosition:Knife:0.065:-0.005:0.025RefLocalRotation3:Knife:0:0:0

How to put an armband on Yandere-chan (The student you're duplicating the armband from must be a club leader):

Duplicate:Student_ID (Student Name)/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/RightShoulder/RightArm/Armband:NameDeliYanHair:NewNameAttach:YandereChan/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/NewName:YandereChan/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/LeftShoulder/LeftArmRefLocalPosition:YandereChan/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/LeftShoulder/LeftArm/NewName:-0.76:-0.01:0.017RefLocalRotation3:YandereChan/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/LeftShoulder/LeftArm/NewName:82.216:68.291:68.926

Command by Rino f*ckahori on YouTube, credit if you want!

How to attach the Miyuki outfit to a student:

RenameRefChild:MiyukiCostumeAttacher:LeftBreastRENAMED:LeftBreastRenameRefChild:MiyukiCostumeAttacher:RightBreastRENAMED:RightBreastRiggedAccessoryAttacher:Student_ID (Student Name):MiyukiCostume:MiyukiCostume/MiyukiBase

How to make a female student nude (edited because bugs):

Oneframe:trueyanHair:0duplicate:YandereChan:h yanhair:1Activate:Student_ID (Student Name)/Character/f02:false <YandereScript>:h:Call:Nude RenameRefChild:h:LeftBreastRENAMED:LeftBreast RenameRefChild:h:RightBreastRENAMED:RightBreast RiggedAccessoryAttacher:Student_ID (Student Name):h:h/Character/f02/f02_schoolwear_210_h Destroy:h

Command by Rinof*ckahori on YouTube, credit if you want

How to attach the Nier outfit to Yandere-chan:


Command by YukiOzawa, no need to credit.

How to texture a student’s swimsuit:

RenameRefChild:Student_ID (Student Name):f02_swimwear_210_h:CustomSwimsuit1OpenTexture:Texture.pngTexture:0:CustomSwimsuit1Texture:1:CustomSwimsuit1Texture:2:CustomSwimsuit1

Editing a student's profile:

CharacterSetName:Student_ID (Student Name):Text (Changes a student's name)
CharacterSetRealName:Student_ID (Student Name):Text (Changes a student's real name)
CharacterSetClub:Student_ID (Student Name):ID of club (with that command, male students can be members of the gardering club or someting)
CharacterSetInfo:Student_ID (Student Name):Text (Changes the additional information in a student's profile.)
CharacterSetCrush:Student_ID (Student Name):ID of student you want as a crush (Changes a student's crush)
CharacterSetPersona:Student_ID (Student Name):Persona ID (Changes the personality of a student)
CharacterSetPersonality:Student_ID (Student Name):Persona ID (Changes the personality of a student)

How to set a character's cone-of-vision distance:

CharacterSetVisionDistance:Student_ID (Student Name):Distance (Changes a character's vision distance)

How to play as the Genka Kunahito(Command by Sakura 82131):


**How to play as the Mae Kunahito(Command by Sakura 82131 and .kaitoshimizu):**

  • ``RiggedAccessoryAttacher:YandereChan:EightiesCounselor - New Mesh:EightiesCounselor - New Mesh/CounselorMotherOutfit
  • YanVisible2
  • RefScale:YandereChan:1.1:1.1:1.1
  • YanHair:0
  • EnableGameObject:EightiesCounselorHair:true Duplicate:EightiesCounselorHair:maehair deliyanhair:maehair EnableGameObject:EightiesCounselorHair:false``

How to have a female student as the Guidance Counselor:

RefScale:Student_ID (Student Name):1.1:1.1:1.1RiggedAccessoryAttacher:Student_ID (Student Name):CounselorOutfitNew:CounselorOutfitNew/CounselorOutfitNewEmptyStudentMesh:Student_ID (Student Name)HairStyle:Student_ID (Student Name):0

How to change Yandere-chan's seat:

SaveClassSeat ClassSeatPosition:-17.063:5.122:-26.077

How to destroy the barrier that stops Yandere-chan from leaving school:


How to give a student wrist scrunchies and texture them:

ActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):ScrunchieRight:true
ActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):ScrunchieLeft:true
RenameRefChild:Student_ID (Student Name):ScrunchieLeft:ScrunchieL
<RenameRefChild:Student_ID (Student Name):ScrunchieRight:ScrunchieROpenTexture:Texture.png

How to give Yandere-chan Miyuji's bracelet:


How to add or remove nails from a student:

ActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Nails_Left_Thumb:BoolActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Nails_Left_Index:BoolActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Nails_Left_Middle:BoolActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Nails_Left_Ring:BoolActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Nails_Left_Pinkie:BoolActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Nails_Right_Thumb:BoolActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Nails_Right_Index:BoolActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Nails_Right_Middle:BoolActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Nails_Right_Ring:BoolActivateChildAll:Student_ID (Student Name):Nails_Right_Pinkie:Bool

How to give Yandere-chan the loose socks:


Command by ShiroTorayoshi

How to set Yandere-chan's run speed:


Command by ShiroTorayoshi

How to make Yandere-chan not lose sanity:


How to disable Senpai's aura:


Keep it on true for it to work if you want to activate the aura again change the true to false. And do not change the Boolean or it will not work!!

Warning: Using the first command will cause Yandere-chan to instantly lose the struggle minigame, and using the second command will disable the aura, but Yandere-chan will still slow down when near Senpai.

How to change Yandere-chan's panty model:

Note: If you want to attach a different model, replace all the "StrawberryPanties" with the panty model of your choice.


How to give Yandere-chan scrunchies:


How to disable Osana's events:

EnableGameObject:OsanaEvents:falsePathfinding.Enabled:Student_11 (Osana Najimi):truePathfinding.Enabled:Student_10 (Raibaru Fumetsu):truePathfinding.Enabled:Student_1 (Taro Yamada):trueInEvent:Student_11 (Osana Najimi):falseInEvent:Student_10 (Raibaru Fumetsu):falseInEvent:Student_1 (Taro Yamada):false

Command By Rino f*ckahori on YouTube

How to change Yandere-chan's bust size:


How to give a student pepper spray:


This is a function, which means you can place the command inside ModScript/Header.txt and then use AddPepperSpray:GameObject

How to change Yandere-chan's animations without using YanReplaceAnim:


Command by Rino f*ckahori

How to play as Osana Najimi:

OneFrame:TrueYanHair:0HairToYan:OsanaHairOpenTexture:OsanaNajimiFace.pngTexture:2:YandereChanActivateChildAll:YandereChan:Smartphone:trueOpenTexture:OsanaPhone.pngTexture:0:SmartphoneOpenTexture:Osana uniform.pngTexture:0:YandereChanTexture:1:YandereChanYanAddNewYanSetIdleAnim:f02_tsunIdle_00YanSetWalkAnim:f02_tsunWalk_00YanReplaceAnim:f02_idleShort_00:f02_tsunIdle_00YanReplaceAnim:f02_newWalk_00:f02_tsunWalk_00Shape:YandereChan:Face_Smile:0Shape:YandereChan:Face_Angry:0Shape:YandereChan:Face_MouthOpen:0Shape:YandereChan:Face_Ears:0Shape:YandereChan:Face_BigNose:0Shape:YandereChan:Face_EyesClosed:0Shape:YandereChan:Face_Sad:0Shape:YandereChan:Face_Insanity:0Shape:YandereChan:EyeType_Thin:5Shape:YandereChan:EyeType_Round:20Shape:YandereChan:EyeType_Delinquent:50Shape:YandereChan:EyeType_Naughty:50Shape:YandereChan:EyeType_Gentle:10OneFrame:True

How to enable all rivals in 202X/Story Mode:

(REMINDER: Make a new cutscene text file for this to work properly.)

<StudentManagerScript>:StudentManager:Set:Week:int:10<StudentManagerScript>:StudentManager:Set:WeekLimit:int:10<StudentManagerScript>:StudentManager:Set:Eighties:bool:trueSpawnStudent:12:Amai OdayakaSpawnStudent:13:Kizana SunobuSpawnStudent:14:Oka RutoSpawnStudent:15:Asu RitoSpawnStudent:16:Muja KinaSpawnStudent:17:Mida RanaSpawnStudent:18:Osoro ShidesuSpawnStudent:19:Hanako YamadaSpawnStudent:20:Megami Saikou<StudentManagerScript>:StudentManager:Set:Eighties:bool:false

How make a custom routine:

Note: The first X:Y:Z is the location and the second X:Y:Z is the rotation

AddDestinationSpot:Spotname:X:Y:Z:X:Y:ZChangeActionName:Student_ID (Student Name):Float:Action RefnameChangeScheduleDestinationTargetToSpot:Student_ID (Student Name):Float:SpotnamePathFinding.ReturnToRoutine:Student_ID (Student Name)
//this last command is optionalRefPathFindingSpeed:Student_ID (Student Name):5

An example:

AddDestinationSpot:mournroom:-25.9999:1.44951E-05:-7.499395:0:0:0ChangeActionName:Student_38 (Pippi Osu):3:MournChangeScheduleDestinationTargetToSpot:Student_38 (Pippi Osu):3:mournroomPathFinding.ReturnToRoutine:Student_38 (Pippi Osu)RefPathFindingSpeed:Student_38 (Pippi Osu):5

How to play as the Journalist from 1980s Mode:

Note: This only works on builds with 1980s Mode as this model doesn't exist in the previous builds.

Command by Rino f*ckahori on YouTube

EnableGameObject:Journalist:trueYanHair:0Activate:YandereChan/Character/f02:falseYanAddNew YanSetIdleAnim:idleTough_00YanSetWalkAnim:walkTough_00RenameRef:Journalist/JournalistRIG/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/face/atama_n/eyerid1_Left_RENAMED:eyerid1_LeftRenameRef:Journalist/JournalistRIG/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/face/atama_n/eyerid1_Right_RENAMED:eyerid1_RightRenameRef:Journalist/JournalistRIG/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/face/atama_n/eyerid2_Left_RENAMED:eyerid2_LeftRenameRef:Journalist/JournalistRIG/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/face/atama_n/eyerid2_Right_RENAMED:eyerid2_RightRenameRef:Journalist/JournalistRIG/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/face/atama_n/eyerid_Left_RENAMED:eyerid_LeftRenameRef:Journalist/JournalistRIG/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/face/atama_n/eyerid_Right_RENAMED:eyerid_RightRenameRef:Journalist/JournalistRIG/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/face/atama_n/eyerid_Right_end:eyerid_Right_finalRenameRef:Journalist/JournalistRIG/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/face/atama_n/eyerid1_Right_end:eyerid1_Right_finalRenameRef:Journalist/JournalistRIG/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/face/atama_n/eyerid2_Right_end:eyerid2_Right_finalRiggedAccessoryAttacher:YandereChan:Journalist:Journalist/JournalistRIGRiggedAccessoryAttacher:YandereChan:Journalist:Journalist/JournalistCoatRefScale:YandereChan:1.1:1.1:1.1

How to give Yandere-chan the eighties teachersoutfit:


Command by @lolnamepls

How to be the same height as a male student:


And for students:

RefScale:Student_ID (FN LN):1.01:1.01:1.01

How to play as young Kocho Shuyona:

Note: This command will only work in the October 10th, 2021 build or any build after it! Sadly, his face isn't rigged, so he won't make facial expressions

YanHair:0Activate:YandereChan/Character/f02:falseYanAddNew YanSetIdleAnim:idle_00YanSetWalkAnim:walk_00RiggedAccessoryAttacher:YandereChan:YoungKocho:YoungKocho/YoungKochoOutfitActivateChildAll:YandereChan:Iris:falseRefScale:YandereChan:1.1:1.1:1.1

How to weaken all 202X teachers

<StudentScript>:Coach_Kyoshi Tachikawa:Set:Teacher:bool:false<StudentScript>:Teacher_32_Kaho Kanokogi:Set:Teacher:bool:false<StudentScript>:Teacher_31_Karin Hanabusa:Set:Teacher:bool:false<StudentScript>:Teacher_22_Shiori Rikitake:Set:Teacher:bool:false<StudentScript>:Teacher_21_Rino f*ckahori:Set:Teacher:bool:false<StudentScript>:Teacher_12_Natsuki Aburaya:Set:Teacher:bool:false<StudentScript>:Teacher_11_Reina Nabatame:Set:Teacher:bool:false<StudentScript>:Nurse_Nasu Kankoshi:Set:Teacher:bool:false

How to change Yandere-chan's name:

Note: This also works on Ryoba if you're playing 1980s Mode. This only changes the player's name in end of day, and police end of day cutscenes.


How to set a student's phone texture:

RenameRefChild:Student_ID (FN LN):SmartPhone:NEWNAMESetAccessory:Student_ID (FN LN):3:trueOpenTexture:TEXTURENAME.pngTexture3:0:NEWNAME

How to make a student a rival:

This command will turn a student of your desired choice to a rival, this means it will apply slow-motion death effect and red outline, this WONT make them have events with Senpai nor confess. This cannot be applied to multiple students, only one.

SetRival:Student_ID (Name) / SetRival:Student_ID (Name):true

How to make a student follow another student:

This is a simple command than the old one that was frequently used. BEAWARE, the student whose following may bug at some circ*mstances!

StudentFollow:Student_ID (Follower):Student_ID (BeingFollowed):Distance
StopStudentFollow:Student_ID (Name)

Game over commands:

newgameover:CustomText:true (Puts the player in the game over sequence with red text above being replaced with a custom text. The Boolean determines whether or not this game over will allow the player to snap.)
setgameover (Puts the player in a game over)

Replacing subtitles and notifications:

ReplaceSubtitle:Text:NewText (Text has to be the EXACT same as it is in game, including spaces, spelling, punctuation, etc!)
ReplaceNotification:Text:NewText (Text has to be the EXACT same as it is in game, including spaces, spelling, punctuation, etc!)

How to create a custom notification and activate it using a key!

Create a new document called 'yan' in ModScript(PoseMod > Cutscenes) and a document in the cutscenes folder.

(CUTSCENE): SubtitleText:TEXT

///now for the Key thing, you'll need more cutscenes for that

(IN THE YAN DOC):Key:CutsceneName:true or false

To change the texture of ALL school uniforms

This is a pretty useful command if you want to have every student's uniform texture be changed instantly, instead of doing it individually for each person.

changefemaleuniformstex:Texture.png (Changes the female uniform texture)
changemaleuniformstex:Texture.png (Changes the male uniform texture)

To change the female/male school uniform (New)


How to add bundled hair to Yandere-chan in the Home Scene:


How to add bundled hair to Yandere-chan in the town:


How to change Yandere-chan's animations in the Home Scene:


How to change Yandere-chan's animations in the Town Scene:


How to return the old design of Ayano's delinquent mask:


(Tested only in the new Pose Mod. This script affects only the mask, the piercing will remain intact)

Alternative method to add all old mask designs to Ayano's delinquent mask and set a key for design changing:

(Tested only in the new Pose Mod, keeps chosen mask design in a global variable)

The initializing script:

Oneframe:trueEnableGameObject:SurgeonMaskFemale:trueEnableGameObject:SurgeonMaskX:trueEnableGameObject:SurgeonMaskKuso:trueEnableGameObject:SurgeonMaskTeeth:trueEnableGameObject:SurgeonMaskWhite:trueActivateChildAll:YandereChan:DelinquentAyanoMask:trueDuplicate:SurgeonMaskFemale:YanMaskFemaleAttach:YanMaskFemale:YandereChan/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/DelinquentAyanoMaskRefLocalPosition:YanMaskFemale:0:0.01449792:0.0005RefLocalRotation:YanMaskFemale:0.4987288:0.09535945:0.01002205Duplicate:SurgeonMaskX:YanMaskXAttach:YanMaskX:YandereChan/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/DelinquentAyanoMaskRefLocalPosition:YanMaskX:0:0.01449792:0.0005RefLocalRotation:YanMaskX:0.4987288:0.09535945:0.01002205Duplicate:SurgeonMaskKuso:YanMaskKusoAttach:YanMaskKuso:YandereChan/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/DelinquentAyanoMaskRefLocalPosition:YanMaskKuso:0:0.01449792:0.0005RefLocalRotation:YanMaskKuso:0.4987288:0.09535945:0.01002205Duplicate:SurgeonMaskTeeth:YanMaskTeethAttach:YanMaskTeeth:YandereChan/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/DelinquentAyanoMaskRefLocalPosition:YanMaskTeeth:0:0.01449792:0.0005RefLocalRotation:YanMaskTeeth:0.4987288:0.09535945:0.01002205Duplicate:SurgeonMaskWhite:YanMaskWhiteAttach:YanMaskWhite:YandereChan/Character/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/DelinquentAyanoMaskRefLocalPosition:YanMaskWhite:0:0.01449792:0.0005RefLocalRotation:YanMaskWhite:0.4987288:0.09535945:0.01002205EnableGameObject:SurgeonMaskFemale:falseEnableGameObject:SurgeonMaskX:falseEnableGameObject:SurgeonMaskKuso:falseEnableGameObject:SurgeonMaskTeeth:falseEnableGameObject:SurgeonMaskWhite:falseif:eightiesjmp:Restore80sStudentMasksjmp:Restore202XStudentMasks//Here are 1980s female students who wear a delinquent surgeon masklbl:Restore80sStudentMasksActivateChildAll:Student_81 (Tiru Sutoriku):SurgeonMaskFemale:trueActivateChildAll:Student_82 (Doremi Shimahara):SurgeonMaskKuso:trueActivateChildAll:Student_83 (Murasaki Nobumoto):SurgeonMaskTeeth:trueActivateChildAll:Student_84 (Akari Komiyaku):SurgeonMaskWhite:trueActivateChildAll:Student_85 (Raimu Ichijo):SurgeonMaskX:truejmp:Continue//Here are 202X female students who wear a delinquent surgeon masklbl:Restore202XStudentMaskslbl:Continueif:ppint:dmaskstyle:1jmp:MaskFemalejmp:checkXlbl:MaskFemaleActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskX:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskKuso:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskTeeth:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskWhite:falseChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:DelinquentAyanoMask:0:Sprites/MaskChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:DelinquentAyanoMask:1:Sprites/Maskjmp:Finalizelbl:checkXif:ppint:dmaskstyle:2jmp:MaskXjmp:checkKusolbl:MaskXActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskFemale:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskKuso:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskTeeth:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskWhite:falseChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:DelinquentAyanoMask:0:Sprites/MaskChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:DelinquentAyanoMask:1:Sprites/Maskjmp:Finalizelbl:checkKusoif:ppint:dmaskstyle:3jmp:MaskKusojmp:checkTeethlbl:MaskKusoActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskX:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskFemale:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskTeeth:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskWhite:falseChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:DelinquentAyanoMask:0:Sprites/MaskChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:DelinquentAyanoMask:1:Sprites/Maskjmp:Finalizelbl:checkTeethif:ppint:dmaskstyle:4jmp:MaskTeethjmp:checkWhitelbl:MaskTeethActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskX:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskKuso:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskFemale:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskWhite:falseChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:DelinquentAyanoMask:0:Sprites/MaskChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:DelinquentAyanoMask:1:Sprites/Maskjmp:Finalizelbl:checkWhiteif:ppint:dmaskstyle:5jmp:MaskWhitejmp:OrigMasklbl:MaskWhiteActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskFemale:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskX:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskKuso:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskTeeth:falseChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:DelinquentAyanoMask:0:Sprites/MaskChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:DelinquentAyanoMask:1:Sprites/Maskjmp:Finalizelbl:OrigMaskActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskFemale:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskX:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskKuso:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskTeeth:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskWhite:falsePlayerPrefInt:dmaskstyle:0lbl:FinalizeActivateChildAll:YandereChan:DelinquentAyanoMask:false<YandereScript>:YandereChan:Call:ClubAccessoryKey:k:MaskChange:falseend

Note: if the file with the script for a key has a name other than "MaskChange.txt", you should replace "MaskChange" with your file name in the "Key:k:MaskChange:false" command. You can also replace "k" with another key, but it's better to use only alphabetic keys.

The script for a key (for example, the K key) to change the design of Ayano's mask (must be placed in a separate file, i.e. "MaskChange.txt"):

if:active:DelinquentAyanoMaskjmp:Continuejmp:Dismisslbl:Continueif:ppint:dmaskstyle:0jmp:MaskFemalejmp:checkXlbl:MaskFemaleActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskFemale:trueChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:DelinquentAyanoMask:0:Sprites/MaskChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:DelinquentAyanoMask:1:Sprites/MaskPlayerPrefInt:dmaskstyle:1endlbl:checkXif:ppint:dmaskstyle:1jmp:MaskXjmp:checkKusolbl:MaskXActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskFemale:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskX:truePlayerPrefInt:dmaskstyle:2endlbl:checkKusoif:ppint:dmaskstyle:2jmp:MaskKusojmp:checkTeethlbl:MaskKusoActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskX:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskKuso:truePlayerPrefInt:dmaskstyle:3endlbl:checkTeethif:ppint:dmaskstyle:3jmp:MaskTeethjmp:checkWhitelbl:MaskTeethActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskKuso:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskTeeth:truePlayerPrefInt:dmaskstyle:4endlbl:checkWhiteif:ppint:dmaskstyle:4jmp:MaskWhitejmp:OrigMasklbl:MaskWhiteActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskTeeth:falseActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskWhite:truePlayerPrefInt:dmaskstyle:5endlbl:OrigMaskActivateChildAll:YandereChan:YanMaskWhite:falseChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:DelinquentAyanoMask:0:Toon/Lighted OutlineChangeMaterialShader.ThroughFind:DelinquentAyanoMask:1:Toon/Lighted OutlinePlayerPrefInt:dmaskstyle:0endlbl:Dismissend

Note: you can change mask design only if the protagonist actually wears it.

How to use Info-Chan Hairstyle

//For YandereChanRenameRefChild:YandereChan:InfoHairYan:DestroyInfoHairYanDestroy:DestroyInfoHairYanDuplicate:School/Info Club/f02_schoolwear_200_h/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/InfoChanHair:InfoHairYanYanHair:0DeliYanHair:InfoHairYanRendererColor2:InfoHairYan:0:1:1:1
//For StudentsRenameRefChild:Student_ID (Student Name):InfoHairStud:DestroyInfoHairStudDestroy:DestroyInfoHairStudDuplicate:School/Info Club/f02_schoolwear_200_h/PelvisRoot/Hips/Spine/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck/Head/InfoChanHair:InfoHairStudHairstyle:Student_ID (Student Name):0DeliStudHair:InfoHairStud:Student_ID (Student Name)RendererColor2:InfoHairStud:0:1:1:1

How to make the speed of certain easter eggs not so high

This script sets maximum running speed value for Yandere-chan and lowers her running speed if it is above the maximum value. It requires to make a separate file with certain script lines.

Initializing command:


Instead of enter_your_filename, you need to write the name of your TXT file (without an extension) that contains following lines:


This script will be executed each time when Yandere-chan's running speed changes. Note: you can replace 5.5 with another speed value.

How to restore Yandere-chan's custom face shaping after an insane laugh

If Yandere-chan laughs insanely, her face-shaping will get back to Ayano's or Ryoba's, and all traits that are set with the Shape commands will be lost.

To fix this, you need to make a separate file that contains your face-shaping commands, and run the following command:


(Instead of enter_your_filename, you need to write the name of your TXT file without an extension)

How to activate Vaporwave Mode without the easter egg menu

//checking for activated superpowers[eggsactive]:<YandereScript>:YandereChan:Egg
//activating Vaporwave visuals<YandereScript>:YandereChan:Call:Vaporwave
//activating Vaporwave music<AudioSource>:MainCamera/Jukebox/FullSanity:Set:enabled:bool:false<AudioSource>:MainCamera/Jukebox/HalfSanity:Set:enabled:bool:false<AudioSource>:MainCamera/Jukebox/NoSanity:Set:enabled:bool:false<AudioSource>:MainCamera/Jukebox/EasterEggBGMs/Vaporwave:Set:enabled:bool:true
//making sure that Vaporwave won't prevent the Genocide ending if none of actual superpowers are enabledif:istrue:[eggsactive]jmp:Continuejmp:EnsureGenocidelbl:EnsureGenocide<YandereScript>:YandereChan:Set:Egg:bool:falselbl:Continue//to disable the pink and purple filter on game objects, comment the "end" string below//to keep the filter intact, uncomment the "end" string//end
//removing the filter from objects properly<NormalBufferView>:MainCamera:Call:DisableNormalViewActivateChildAll:Sun:Sphere:falseActivate:CloudSystem:falseActivateChildAll:TreeCorridor:CorridorBlossoms:falseActivateChildAll:School:PlazaBlossoms:falseActivateChildAll:School:PlazaPetals:falseActivateChildAll:Schoolgrounds:EastRomanceBlossoms:falseActivateChildAll:Schoolgrounds:EastRomancePetals:falseActivateChildAll:Schoolgrounds:WestRomanceBlossoms:falseActivateChildAll:Schoolgrounds:WestRomancePetals:falserefposition:West Garden Blossoms 1:-58:2.5:15.33333refposition:West Garden Blossoms 2:-58:2.5:32.66667refposition:West Garden Blossoms 3:-58:2.5:15.33333refposition:West Garden Blossoms 4:-58:2.5:32.66667refposition:East Garden Blossoms 1:58.06:2.5:32.66667refposition:East Garden Blossoms 2:58.06:2.5:15.33333refposition:East Garden Blossoms 3:58.06:2.5:32.66667refposition:East Garden Blossoms 4:58.06:2.5:15.33333

How to make the Genocide Ending available after activating an easter egg

This script requires to make a separate file with certain script lines.

Initializing command:


Instead of enter_your_filename, you need to write the name of your TXT file (without an extension) that contains following lines:



  • If you kill Senpai with a superpower (i.e. Black Hole), the Genocide scene will start before you kill the last student.
  • Keep in mind that the Genocide Ending won't occur if the police are called, or the "Ancient Evil"/"Kill All Students" commands are used.
    • Currently, the Genocide Ending will also become unavailable if you get the Flaming Ritual Knife.

Using .unity3d Files (INCOMPLETE TUTORIAL)[]

THIS TUTORIAL IS NOT COMPLETE! IT WILL NOT WORK AS IS! While using the pose mod, you may have encountered the default Stuff.unity3d file that comes with the mod. You may be asking, what is it? What does it do? How do I use it? How do I make one? Well, I'm here to answer all these questions! Here we go!

What is a .unity3d file?[]

.unity3d files, also known as bundles, are files created to be used with the unity web player. It packs all resources used for an entire game, including models, textures, code, shaders, and other assorted resources. It is currently a depreciated file format and can't be created with the newer versions of Unity.

What does it do?[]

Using kgftbz's Pose Mod, a .unity3d file can put entirely new models into Yandere Simulator without having to replace other existing models. This means that the model won't already be being used, which can be a lot more convenient.

How do I use it?[]

To use it, you first need a .unity3d file (take Stuff.unity3d for example) containing a model (let's take the picnic table). This is how you would place it in school:


To put a bundled hair on a student, you would use this command:

HairStyle:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka):0AssetBundle.CreateFromFile:PoseMod/Hairs.unity3dAssetBundle.LoadAsync:FakeKizanaHairAssetBundle.UnloadNewAsset:FakeKizanaHair2DeliStudHair:FakeKizanaHair2:Student_30 (Kokona Haruka)RefLocalPosition:FakeKizanaHair2:0.002:-1.432:0.017

Of course, to do this with your own assets, you'd have to mess with the RefPosition and RefLocalPosition coordinates. If you're using the new Pose Mod, change PoseMode to PoseMod, otherwise it won't work. If you're using the old Pose Mod, then keep it as PoseMode.

(Credit to kgftbz for the commands!)

How do I make one?[]

This is the hardest question to answer. If you want to make a .unity3d files, you will need:

  • Unity 5.3.8 (Use this version for older builds, or it WILL NOT WORK).
  • Your model (in either .obj/.fbx format).
  • Your texture.

Tutorial (older builds)[]

  1. Open Unity. Make sure you have an account (personal works fine).
  2. Create a new project and title it anything you want. Make sure the medium is 3D.
  3. Go to "Assets/Import New Asset..." and import each of your models.
  4. Click a model to select it and drag it to the current scene. Repeat for each model.
  5. Go to "File/Build Settings...". Make sure the medium is set as Unity Web Player.
  6. Click "Add Current Scenes" and name your scene anything. Click Build and choose a folder to export it to.
  7. Wait for it to build.
  8. Go to the folder you exported it to. There's your .unity3d file!

Tutorial (newer builds) + VIDEO REFERENCE[]

  1. Open Unity. You need an account - personal is fine. Make a new project, name it whatever you want. Make sure the medium is 3D.
  2. Go to "Assets > Import Package > Effects". Then, click Import.
  3. Click HERE for a folder that you HAVE TO HAVE, otherwise it won't work.
  4. Once the folder is downloaded, open it, then drag the Editor folder into Unity.
  5. Import your model by either dragging it into Unity, or doing "Assets > Import New Asset" then find your model. Do the same with your texture.
  6. Go to the "Materials" Folder and click on your material. If you have multiple, repeat the next step for all the objects.
  7. Click the "Inspector" tab in the side, then drag your texture into the "Albedo" Box, the again into the "Detail Albedo x2" Box.
  8. Then, click the box next to "Shader" and choose "Toon > Basic Outline" then lower the "Outline Width" to 0.002. You can also use Lit Outline! It responds to in-game lights.
  9. Next to "Main Color", click the "Color Picker" Tool and click the small white bar just next to it.
  10. On the left side, Right Click the inside of the Grey Box, then hit "Create Empty".
  11. Click the GameObject you created, then on the right side, set all the positions to 0 so the hair will place properly.
  12. Rename the GameObject. Remember this, as you'll need it later.
  13. Drag the model into the GameObject you made.
  14. Drag the GameObject into the Assets box.
  15. In the bottom right corner where it says "AssetBundle", click "None" then hit "New". This will be the name of the Unity3D file.
  16. Next to it, click the "None" box, then hit "New" and name it "unity3d" without a "." at the end.
  17. Click "Bundle > Build AssetBundles". You have your Unity3D file!

Tutorial on IF Commands (WIP)[]

If commands on the current builds of Pose Mod work like this.

somecommand for if the condition is true
somecommand for if the condition is false

In order to make Pose Mod run multiple commands for when the condition is true/false, use "lbl" and "jmp" commands. "lbl" will label the commands below it, like:

Some commands

Jmp will jump to the lbl and loop it.


If you want to Pose Mod to stop looping, use "end" at the end of the lbl.

If you want Pose Mod to check on every frame constantly, use:

Some commands

In order to run multiple if command in the same cutscene, use this code:


How to make a map commands!:

heres a example:
WARNING USE UNITY.3D OR A FBX TO DO IT YandereSimulator_Data/Streaming Assets/Pose Mod copy and paste the file there

Changed it cuz so confusing!

Useful Stuff![]

Unity3d Outfits, Animations and Hairs ready to use + DL[]

Some files + commands you can use with the latest build + PoseMod


If you're looking for any texture, you can find them here! It's a lot easier than searching the game files and I hope it's going to help many people!

Texture Storage

All Pose Mod Commands[]

In PoseMod3, you can use the command ListAllCommands to create a txt file in the game's directory that has the list of all commands.

Here's a Pastebin link with all the commands from 2018-2019 Pose Mod.

[List by AMZE!] [WARNING: I can't assure you that every command is working!]

Catalog of Yandere-chan's Hairs[]

(UPDATED 01/03/2020)

Here is a link to a folder containing the names, textures, and images of all the hairs in the game.

(Link provided by Strangesaurus, minor update by GregLePandab):

Weapons + Other Stuff Reference Names[]

(Link provided by YukiOzawa)

PoseMod Unfinished Documentation:[]


For an archive of older builds and special builds like Kuudere Simulator, click one of these links! Unfortunately, was taken down.!AuUjiSyKwmqahC3-JBrck1Ahx46h

Some of these commands are outdates or just don't work so don't get mad if a command isn't working.[]

NOTE: The comment section is NOT an appropriate place to ask for leaked assets, no matter what type. However, it is okay to share gameplay images and screenshots of mods that use leaks (e.g. Osana's confession cutscene).

Modding/Cutscene Commands (2024)


How to pose mod Yandere Simulator? ›

It's fairly easily to use. To activate it, you must press the / or ? key and then the R key. This will replace the "Talk" button prompt with the "Pose" button prompt.

How to activate pose mod menu? ›

Pose Mode is activated by pressing the ? key which will open up the easter egg menu, and then pressing the R key.

How to use custom mode in Yandere Simulator? ›

Custom Mode is a mode in Yandere Simulator that allows players to create their own playable scenarios and share them with others. Currently, it is only available for 1980s Mode. To create a custom mode, select one of the new save files and press the shift key.

How do you use pose mod? ›

Once you have the Pose Player in your game, load up The Sims 4 and choose any world. Click on the Sim you'd like to have posed. When you click on that Sim, two options will pop up: Pose by Pack and Pose by Name. Pose by Pack allows you to choose from any of the poses you've downloaded by selecting them from a list.

What does Osana like in a guy? ›

Osana will say that Senpai is not her type, but she still developed feelings for him over time. Raibaru then asks what she likes in a guy. Osana will say that she likes guys with tan skin, ponytails, glasses, and piercings. She also values intelligence, and says that any guy she dates has to be a cat person.

What is the meaning of debug mode? ›

A debug menu or debug mode is a user interface implemented in a computer program that allows the user to view and/or manipulate the program's internal state for the purpose of debugging.

How to open Easter egg menu in Yandere Simulator? ›

In the demo, the "Easter Egg Menu", along with "debug commands" cannot be accessed until the player beats the demo at least once and enables them by accessing at the Extra Menu.

Can you mod Yandere Sim? ›

Being a Unity game, Yandere Simulator can be modded in many different ways, from simple texture swapping to full-blown rewrites and additions to the game's code itself with C#. All of the software mentioned on this page and section is available for free.

What does 47 mode do in Yandere Simulator? ›

47 Mode will make the player bald, have a barcode on the back of her head, and change her uniform to a black jacket with a red ribbon. The song, Only You Can Stop Them, will play the entire time. This music will eventually be replaced as to not be copyrighted.

How to add pose mode in Blender? ›

Alternatively you can activate Pose Mode by selecting an armature and clicking on the Pose Mode menu entry in the Mode Menu of the 3D Window header (Figure 8). You can leave Pose Mode by the same method, or by entering Edit Mode. Figure 8.

Can you mod Yandere Simulator? ›

Being a Unity game, Yandere Simulator can be modded in many different ways, from simple texture swapping to full-blown rewrites and additions to the game's code itself with C#. All of the software mentioned on this page and section is available for free.

How do you get seduction in Yandere Simulator? ›

Ayano's Seduction level can be increased by reading the Cherry Touch manga, which can be purchased at the manga store in Buraza Town, but only if you have a Fake ID. When in the Gaming Club, Ayano can play a dating game to temporarily raise her Seduction stat by one level for a single day.

How to activate 1980s mode Yandere Simulator? ›

1980s Mode is an official mode created for Yandere Simulator. It serves as the prequel to the game's main story mode, taking place in the year 1989. Currently, the mode can be accessed directly from the title screen before the main menu has even appeared, in which the player can decide to play 202X mode or 1980's mode.

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.