Mary Margaret Blanchard (2024)

Upon arrival to Storybrooke, Mary Margaret and the others crash to the floor from the impact of the diner dropping onto the ground, and as they get up, the group realize they are still in Camelot attire, and the last thing anyone recalls is entering King Arthur's castle. Mary Margaret questions where Emma is, to which the Dark One herself enters the diner. Emma stops in front of Mary Margaret and touches her cheek, causing Mary Margaret to shudder in surprise. Giving off the facade that she wants revenge against them, Emma professes she will punish them for what they did to her. ("The Dark Swan," "The Price," "Broken Heart")

The next day, Mary Margaret and her husband join Regina at Storybrooke's border, where they stop Leroy and the remaining five dwarves from testing the town line. Leroy is adamant they must know if crossing out of town is safe since Emma is dangerous and there's no one to protect them now. Dopey steps over the line and nothing happens, but then, he turns into a tree. Later, King Arthur is discovered to have been brought to Storybrooke by Emma's curse as well. Recalling they spoke of the Dark One's identity during the journey to Camelot, David admits he was dishonest about it, to which Mary Margaret reveals the Dark One is Emma. Robin Hood notifies them that Little John ran into some other Camelot natives in the forest, and after all the people are found, Mary Margaret helps with distributing supplies to them. When a fury kidnaps Robin, Regina gets hurt trying to save him, causing her to stay behind, while Mary Margaret, David, Leroy and Arthur chase after the fury. By nightfall, they intervene when the fury summons a keeper of the underworld to take Robin, only for everyone to be stunned by the fury's magic. Regina forces the fury to take her instead, but a stubborn Mary Margaret links hands with her, taking some of the hit from the blast. Soon, David, Leroy, and Arthur join them, with the fury's power exploding on itself. Later, at the diner, Mary Margaret holds her sleeping son and looks unhappily into the distance. Noticing her demeanor, David tries to cheer her up about getting back Emma, but she is worried that when they win, Emma will lose. ("The Price")

At the sheriff's department, Regina shows Mary Margaret and David a book from Camelot, in which she had marked an image of a toadstool six weeks ago, but for what reason, she doesn't remember. Suddenly, the six dwarves burst in, demanding Mary Margaret and David do something about Emma, who stole Happy's pick ax, just as Regina takes her cue to leave the room. Mary Margaret is unsure what the dwarves want them to do, while David tells them that he'll retrieve the ax. However, this isn't good enough for the dwarves, who are sick of David acting like a scared parent instead of their sheriff. After the dwarves leave in a huff, a frustrated David retreats into the sheriff's office, where he vents to Mary Margaret about his inability to do anything and that he blames himself for what Emma has become. Mary Margaret believes he is doing the best he can, which David sees as part of the problem. After she reminds him that, in any world, he is her hero, David finally cools down, reassuring her that he has the situation covered. Later that day, Mary Margaret and Regina regroup with David in the vault, where he shows them the toadstool he found, which must have crossed over with the curse. They learn they were likely using it to attempt communication with Merlin, and they then decide to test it out to see if it works now. ("Siege Perilous")

Gathered with her allies at the sheriff's station, Mary Margaret is present as Grif's strange disappearance is noted, with Arthur suggesting Grif escaped back to Camelot with a magic bean. Upset about how this news will affect her people, as the bean was their only hope of returning home, Guinevere believes they must do something to raise everyone's spirits. Henry suggests a dance as a much needed distraction, an idea Mary Margaret agrees with. As they all leave the station together, Belle runs up, reporting that Mr. Gold is missing. Suspecting Emma is responsible, Hook, Regina, Robin and Belle break into her house to investigate. That night during the town carnival, after the search is over, Hook reports back to Mary Margaret, David, Guinevere and Arthur, stating that Excalibur is hidden in Emma's house, and that the sword's markings are similar to the Dark One's dagger. Once Hook calls him out for withholding information, Arthur admits knowing the dagger is Excalibur's missing blade, and when combined together, it can extinguish the darkness, but in Emma's hands, she may use it to snuff out the light. Overwhelmed by this possibility, Mary Margaret wonders what could've happened in Camelot to make Emma this way. ("Dreamcatcher")

After informing Mary Margaret, David, Hook and Belle about Emma's slip up about Merlin, Regina explains her plans to use the Crimson Crown to talk to the sorcerer, though they need Arthur's help enacting the spell, as only someone chosen by Merlin can use the toadstool. Because Belle disagrees with everyone else's assertion that they have to leave Mr. Gold at Emma's mercy, she leaves them and goes to rescue Mr. Gold on her own. Gathered in the vault, the remaining heroes wait for Arthur so he can cast the spell with the toadstool. Upon Arthur's arrival, he asks for privacy in order to use the Crimson Crown, explaining that Merlin only ever spoke to him when no other people were around. Everyone else leaves to wait outside the vault, and after a time, Arthur exits to inform them the spell failed. As proof of Arthur's sabotage, they later find the charred, but still magically intact Crimson Crown in the burnt out cauldron fire. With Henry being the only other person who was chosen by Merlin, he is called in to enact the spell. Rather than direct communication with the sorcerer, the group view a prerecorded hologram message from Merlin, who tells them to look for Nimue, the person they need for defeating the Dark One. ("The Bear and the Bow")

Although Arthur is apprehended and imprisoned for his sabotage, he holds no answers about Emma's current actions. From Hook's previous run-in with Emma, in which she told him that he is the reason for her plans, he comes to believe Emma has something bigger at stake rather than her desire to snuff out the light. Regina scoffs at his naiveness, insisting Emma is toying with his emotions, something Mary Margaret agrees with, as she believes the current Emma is not the person they knew in the past. Everyone else works on stopping Emma from completing the spell to snuff out the light, but Hook tries to talk to Emma directly, prompting her several times for the truth. While Zelena is in labor, Regina waits in the hallway, expressing doubts about helping her sister after everything she's done, but Mary Margaret persuades her that it's the right thing to do. After the birth, Emma kidnaps Zelena instead of the baby, who she should have taken as a spell ingredient for snuffing out the light, but this helps the heroes realize Emma has something bigger planned. Mary Margaret, David and Regina confront Emma at her house, where Emma promises that they'll be thanking her after she is done with Zelena, and then stabs Excalibur into the ground, triggering a magical barrier that touches everyone who is present. ("Birth")

Shortly after, Mary Margaret, Regina and David enter the house in search of Emma, who finally admits she had turned Hook into a Dark One and planned on putting both her and Hook's darkness into Zelena before killing her. Mary Margaret objects to this, insisting that's premeditated murder, and she questions why Emma didn't come to them for help. Emma, not wanting to risk losing more people, thought the best way to control her darkness was to isolate herself, though this was a flawed decision because she didn't have anyone supporting her. With a dark Hook on the loose, Mary Margaret suggests using the dreamcatchers to restore everyone's memories so they can understand what Hook's ultimate goal is, but consequentially, Hook has already stolen all the dreamcatchers. In a meeting at Regina's house, Mr. Gold reveals Hook intends to get revenge on him with a duel to the death. To learn more about Nimue, who can defeat the Dark One, Mr. Gold advises the group to research The Dark One Chronicles. Emma believes she can help them quicker with magic if they remove her cuff, but her family or friends refuse, not trusting that the darkness won't influence her to do bad things. With Henry's help, Emma retrieves the dreamcatchers and returns everyone's lost memories. From regaining her memories that Hook stole from her, Emma realizes Hook wants to open a portal to the Underworld and bring all the previous Dark Ones to Storybrooke. ("Broken Heart")

Learning Hook has unleashed the previous Dark Ones from the Underworld, Mary Margaret goes with her husband in search of him, while everyone else splits up to cover more ground. During the search, they are cornered by two Dark Ones, who, unbeknownst to the couple, brand them with the mark of Charon. After rejoining with everyone else, the group discover all of them have been branded, because the Dark Ones can only exist if living souls take their places in the Underworld. With little time until Charon arrives to take them away, Mary Margaret resigns herself to her fate, deciding to spend her last hours with her family in the diner. Before heading there, she asks, that after her own death, for Emma to take care of Neal. Although Mary Margaret invites Emma to be at the diner as well, Emma sneaks in only to leave a note for her loved ones, which explains her plans to sacrifice herself to eliminate the Dark Ones for good. Mary Margaret eventually finds the note, but before she, David and Henry can track down Emma, Nimue takes them to the lake, where Charon is set to appear. In the end, Hook saves everyone by absorbing all the darkness and having Emma kill him. After Emma finds out Mr. Gold used Hook's sacrifice to regain his Dark One powers, she convinces her family to accompany her to the Underworld so Hook can be saved. Once Mr. Gold reopens the portal to the Underworld, Charon arrives on a boat, prompting Mary Margaret and the others to head towards the ferryman. ("Swan Song")

After coming to the Underworld, whose town bears an uncanny resemblance to Storybrooke, Mary Margaret and her party split up to look for Hook. Upon entering the diner, she is greeted by the Blind Witch, who recognizes her as Snow White and offers to serve her gingerbread or children. Mary Margaret provides a physical description of Hook, and although the witch correctly guesses she is searching for Captain Hook, she admits not having met him yet. When David walks in, Mary Margaret notices he changed his clothes, without catching on that this is James, her husband's twin. As she talks about how creepy the Underworld is so far, he pulls her into a passionate kiss, which she has no qualms about, until he notes that now he understands why David likes her, causing her to realize who he really is. Once he leaves, after telling her to give David his regards, the real David comes in and glimpses his brother walking into the back room. While Cora threatens Regina with her father's demise if she doesn't leave the Underworld, Mr. Gold procures magic ale for summoning Hook's spirit. Mary Margaret is present in the graveyard as Emma tries to talk to Hook about where he is, but he is unable to respond and disappears shortly afterwards. Once Regina helps her father move on to a better place, the group discuss possibly helping other souls in the Underworld move on. Mr. Gold, not interested in being a do-gooder, parts from the team, while Mary Margaret and the others continue with Operation Firebird, Henry's name for their mission. ("Souls of the Departed")

In the cemetery, Mary Margaret sees gravestones of people from her father's kingdom, believing they died because she couldn't protect them. She has doubts about how to protect Emma in the Underworld, while David reassures her they'll do it together, and that Mary Margaret's Snow White bandit skills will be handy. On the way out, she sees her childhood friend Hercules' grave, giving her further pause. In response to her comment about being "friends" with Hercules, David jokingly gives her a hard time about it. Mary Margaret sets out to help Hercules move on to Mount Olympus, and because Cerberus is keeping Hook trapped, she seeks Hercules to slay the hellbeast, which will solve both problems at once. Hercules is reluctant, stating that the hero he used to be died long ago, but she recalls what he once told her, that fear of failure shouldn't keep someone from trying. In the mines, Hercules panics after seeing Cerberus and runs back to Mary Margaret and her allies, who prepare to fight the beast, only for Hades to call off the hellhound before confronting them. Mary Margaret discovers, from Hades, that Hercules died while fighting Cerberus for his Twelfth Labor, hence his unfinished business. When she stands up to Hades' threats, the Underworld lord warns her not to mess with his family or he'll strike back at hers. Feeling defeated over her inability to help Hercules or herself, Mary Margaret loses hope. Despite Regina insisting that Snow never lost faith in her, the Evil Queen, and won her over by becoming her friend, Mary Margaret feels she has nothing to offer except a hope speech. To this, Regina pushes her to give up on her Storybrooke persona because they need Snow White now. Mary Margaret questions Hercules on how he fought Cerberus before he died, and from this, she realizes he needs two other people to kill the beast. Joined by Megara, the trio take down Cerberus, with each person killing one of the three heads. While resting at the diner, Mary Margaret vows to be Snow White again, because helping Hercules brought out her old self, someone who took risks even when she was afraid. In the aftermath, she bids farewell to Hercules, who ascends to Mount Olympus with Megara. ("Labor of Love")

To find Hook underground, Snow and the heroes plan to enter the cave Megara had escaped from. The plan falls through after Mr. Gold convinces Emma to join him for a better idea, in which he'll use the aura of a deceased person to get both of them into Hades' lair, where Hook is. While Mr. Gold and Emma are away on the mission, Snow accompanies Regina to the cemetery to look for Daniel's headstone. After finding it, Regina is relieved to see the headstone is tipped, meaning Daniel has moved on to a better place. Later, in town, the women spot a wounded horse lying on its side, in which Regina manages to channel her magic to heal it. At the apartment, Snow and the others enter to find Hook and Emma, who report that Hades destroyed their boat, so now everyone has no way of going home. Since her magic is working again, Regina attempts to do the heart split between Emma and Hook, but a barrier prevents her from taking the heart. Afterwards, Hook shows everyone the three headstones that Hades engraved with Snow, Regina and Emma's names, to make them stay in the Underworld forever, in place of the three people who already moved on. ("Devil's Due")

Seeking knowledge about Hades' weakness in order to defeat him, Snow helps search for the storybook. Recalling that, during the second curse, she pulled the book out from a chest, she attempts to do it again, but it isn't in there. Henry reveals the book is in the Sorcerer's mansion, but to get in, they need a key that James has. Intent on giving James a piece of her mind for kissing her, Snow heads off to the sheriff's station, with David following after learning this piece of information. With James nowhere in sight, she opens the upper right drawer, noting that he also keeps all his stuff in the same place as David. David grumbles at her comparison, wondering if she thinks the both of them kiss the same too, but before she can answer, he decides he doesn't want to know. Hearing Cruella calling for James, David sends Snow out of the office with the key, while he stays to distract Cruella. Snow gives the key to Henry, who goes to find his mothers so they can enter the mansion together. After finding the storybook, they return to Snow and David at the apartment to look through the book, though Hades' story has already been destroyed by Liam. Henry later reveals to his family that he found the Author's quill in the mansion, and he intends to re-record Hades' story in the book. ("The Brothers Jones")

At the diner, Snow realizes she and David have been in the Underworld for far longer than they intended, with the Blind Witch so used to them that she knows their favorite foods. Fearing it was a mistake to leave Neal behind, the couple try to contact him through Underbrooke's telephone booth. As they wait for their turn, they learn from another person that no one knows for sure if sent messages get through to the land of the living. Since Neal is still too little, Snow and David decide it's best he at least hear their voices, so they sing him a lullaby. They still have doubts about whether Neal heard them, and they receive confirmation that he did after Henry records the event in the storybook. Relieved at the news, Snow is now more determined than ever to return home after Hades is defeated. ("Our Decay")

While Regina is creating a spell on the library elevator entrance, Emma ends up dozing off and dreaming about magically burning her, Regina and Snow's names from the headstones. Snow and Hook, who are present with her, seek cover from an incoming storm that brings a monster to the Underworld. Snow jumps into action to go after the creature, but it ends up killing her, causing a frantic Emma to awaken from the nightmare. After the door to the elevator reveals a brick wall instead of access to Hades' lair, Emma talks about her dream, minus the part where Snow died, and possibly burning away the headstone names. Snow insists on going with her for the mission, but when the storm happens in real life as it did in the dream, Emma stops her mother from going after the beast. Snow, Emma and Hook hide from the monster by entering the vault, where Emma admits what happened at the end of the dream. When Regina suggests the dream is about her fears coming true, Emma acknowledges she regrets bringing everyone to the Underworld and is afraid of causing someone else's death. Snow persuades her to let that guilt go because they came with her out of free-will. She stresses that some things are worth the risk, and now, they will take care of the creature together. In the woods, Snow leads her allies to the monster using her tracking skills. Emma and Regina stun the beast with magic, but on closer look, Snow recognizes it's wolf Ruby. She then covers Ruby with the red cloak to revert her to human form. ("Her Handsome Hero")

Once Ruby wakes up, she tells her friends about her search for Dorothy, who went missing in Oz after Zelena took her silver slippers. Before Snow heads out with everyone else to confront Zelena, she urges David to contact their son at the booth again, since it's been days since he's heard their voices. After David goes there with Hook and Henry, Snow and the other women get the truth from Zelena, and learn Dorothy is in a sleeping curse. Regina persuades Zelena to forfeit the slippers, but Ruby sees no point in returning to Dorothy in Oz, without someone to give her true love's kiss. Snow asks Ruby if she can think of anyone, to which Ruby recalls Dorothy only ever loved her deceased Auntie Em. They find Auntie Em's headstone, and since it's neither tipped or cracked, she's still around. Because Auntie Em can't leave the Underworld, Snow suggests bottling a kiss of true love and giving it to Dorothy. Just then, David returns with news of Cruella destroying the booth on Hades' orders. Fearing for Neal's safety, Snow assumes Hades has plans to make a move on Storybrooke. Emma advises that both her parents should go home because Neal needs them more than her, and they've already done enough for her by coming to the Underworld. She suggests they head to Oz with Ruby and the slippers, and from there, use the slippers to return to Storybrooke. Regina reminds them of Snow's name on the headstone, making it impossible for her to leave, so Snow prompts David to go instead. After tracking down Auntie Em, they try to obtain true love's kiss from her, only for her to melt into a puddle because of Hades' interference. Snow realizes Ruby has feelings for Dorothy and encourages her to attempt true love's kiss. As she prepares to send her husband off with Ruby, David reveals he has forfeited his freedom for Snow's, with his name now on the headstone instead of hers. He inspires her into going home, saying Storybrooke needs a leader like her, and he promises to join her soon. After getting to Oz, Snow witnesses Ruby awaken Dorothy with true love's kiss, before the couple reconcile. Snow then uses the slippers, arriving back to Storybrooke, where she reunites with her son. ("Ruby Slippers")

Following King Arthur's escape from his cell, Snow is appalled by the discovery, especially since Merida apparently put Walter, who is notorious for falling asleep, on watch duty. Setting aside blame in the situation, she decides the best course of action now is to find Arthur by sending Merida, Walter and the other dwarves on a search party. Once she is left alone, Snow comforts a babbling baby Neal, as she laments over not having the rest of her family around. As luck would have it, David walks in to greet her, to which she rushes over to give him a kiss. After handing her son to David, she welcomes Henry back with a hug, before spotting Emma standing nearby. Snow learns from them that everyone made it back to Storybrooke, except Hook. Emma tells her mother that she regrets ever went to the Underworld, but Snow reminds her of all the people who moved on with their help, and the fact she got to see Hook one last time. With Hades now in Storybrooke, however, the heroes work to reclaim Robin's daughter from him by finding his weakness. While Regina and Robin infiltrate the town hall to retrieve the baby, Snow, her family and Merida plow through books at the library for information on Hades. Emma, frantic over knowing Hook still hasn't moved on because of her, has a meltdown over the situation. Ever the voice of calm, Snow encourages her to help them with the book research, as the quicker they find Hades' weakness, the sooner Hook can move on. With Hook's help from the Underworld, Emma discovers Hades can be killed with the Olympian Crystal, but instead of her finishing him off, Zelena kills Hades with it shortly after he murders Robin. At Robin's funeral, Snow and David walk up to lay a rose entwined arrow on the casket. Following the funeral, everyone departs, except for Snow and Emma. Snow senses Emma blames herself for Robin's death, and she comfortingly assures her it wasn't her fault. She then leaves after Emma requests a moment alone to say goodbye to Robin. ("Last Rites")

That night, at Robin's wake, Snow offers comfort to a shell-shocked Regina, telling her that she doesn't have to grieve alone. After Zelena assures her that she can keep Regina company, Snow leaves the sisters to work things out. When a tremor erupts in town, Hook bursts into the diner, with his presence shocking everyone except Emma, who was waiting for the right time to tell Regina. Snow and the heroes investigate the clock tower, where they learn the tremor resulted from Mr. Gold tethering Storybrooke's magic into a piece of the Olympian Crystal. Before they can find Mr. Gold, Henry disappears to New York City with the crystal, intending to destroy the magic within it. In fear the erasure of magic will cause Storybrooke to disappear, Emma and Regina pursue Henry, while Snow and the others send Merida, the Merry Men and Camelot folk back to their homes. However, Zelena's attempt to close the portal goes awry, with she, Snow, David, and Hook being pulled into another realm. As their only way home, the Apprentice's wand, is broken, they seek magic from a groundsman, Jekyll, to fix it. Jekyll is too terrified to help them, but before he can make them leave, an orderly named Poole arrives to magically taser the group into unconsciousness. Snow later wakes up in a caged cell, along with her companions, where the warden, Hyde, pays them a visit and accuses them of working for the Dark One. When Hyde chokes Hook for showing recognition over the name, Snow persuades him to stop by revealing how they came to this realm because of Mr. Gold and his plan to save Belle with the Olympian Crystal. While Hyde is away, Jekyll agrees to fix the wand for them if they take him with them when they return home. ("Only You")

Jekyll returns to free Snow and her friends from the cell, however, the fixed wand is now in the warden's hands. Upon reaching the outside city, Jekyll provides the heroes with a backstory of this land, which is home to people of all backgrounds that have fled from various dangers. They stop by Hyde's house, where Jekyll finishes making a red serum to defeat the warden for good, but Poole makes him to ingest a blue serum that forces Hyde to manifest from within the body. Snow is shocked as the transformation occurs, and recognizes this as the real version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. When Zelena's magic apparently has no effect on Hyde, the heroes flee the house to get away. After Hyde takes the red serum to separate himself and Jekyll, the group return in time to save Jekyll. As the heroes and Jekyll attempt to get out of the city, they run into Hyde. With magical help from the Land Without Magic, a portal opens, allowing them to return home. That night, after learning about Regina's inner turmoil with herself, Snow suggests she can have a fresh start by taking the red serum to be rid of the Evil Queen forever. Both Snow and Emma stay in support of Regina as she faces the Evil Queen and eventually crushes her heart. On return to Storybrooke, Snow joins David as he shows Jekyll to the town diner. ("An Untold Story")

Later, Snow, her family, and some of the townspeople notice a flying dirigible has made its way into Storybrooke, courtesy of Hyde. She witnesses Emma and Regina combine powers to attack Hyde, but their magic fails to subdue him. Hyde, before leaving, cautions the people of Storybrooke to be wary of the people in the dirigible, whose untold stories will soon play out. After the airship crashes and the people have fled, Snow deducts from looking at the footprint marks that they were in a hurry to get away. Jekyll mentions that the dirigible was made from the same materials as the Orderly's baton, and it's possible to make a weapon from the debris to defeat Hyde. As everyone pitches in to collect scraps, Emma has a vision of herself fighting an unknown enemy as her hand shakes. Snow notices something off with her, but the blonde reassures her that she is fine. After Jekyll finishes making the weapon, she checks up on Regina and how she's been since losing the darker half of herself. Regina opens up about her issues with Zelena, but Snow can tell something else is bothering her, despite that Regina doesn't know what it is. She advises her to talk things over with Zelena, which Regina half-heartedly considers and then decides that they should deal with Hyde first. The plan to get Hyde works, with Emma being distracted by her vision again, before using Jekyll's new weapon to stun him. When Hyde is captured, he purposely mentions Emma's hand tremors, which clues Snow in on what's been going on with her daughter. Snow and David later ask Archie to talk to Emma because they are worried about her. That night, David joins her in looking for Hyde's people, with Snow realizing they are hiding out of fear. She appeals to them by announcing Hyde's capture and that they can get food and shelter at Granny's. After Regina's big fight with Zelena, Snow helps her cope and reassures her that things will get better. Regina asks her how she survived in the Enchanted Forest after losing everything, and Snow recalls that she kept hope alive because Regina as the Evil Queen taught her that having hope is a choice. Regina uses this advice for herself and decides to have hope that the life she has now will get better in the future. ("The Savior")

In the diner, Snow witnesses Regina giving a formal welcome to the Untold Stories residents that is met with approval. After Henry finds a letter addressed to Snow and David that was left by a man, he gives it to his grandparents. David opens the letter as his wife looks on, with Snow noting the name "Monte Cristo", which Granny mistakes as the Monte Cristo sandwich. In the letter, Count of Monte Cristo asks them to meet him at the dirigible, but the couple are confused about what he wants from them, until Regina reveals she hired him years ago in the Enchanted Forest to kill them. Regina, Snow and David then search one of the inn rooms, and they find calligraphy materials as well as a chest of weapons. Snow suggests that Regina should be the one to persuade the Count to give up on his mission, which Regina agrees to do by meeting with the Count at the dirigible instead of Snow and David. The couple also find out from Regina that they met the Count once before when he was Edmond, a villager who became their wine steward. After receiving word that the Count is now on the loose, Emma tries to drive her parents out of Storybrooke, but a barrier at the townline repels the car. Regina suspects Zelena broke the blood magic seal on the vault and used ingredients to make the spell, but Zelena denies any wrongdoing. While walking near the docks, Snow and David are attacked by Edmond, who tells them that he is being controlled by the Evil Queen. The couple are eventually knocked unconscious by Edmond, and Regina duels him to protect them. Upon losing, Regina's desperation leads her to kill Edmond, with the Queen revealing she orchestrated everything to prove Regina will always be dark. At some point after this, Regina casts a protection spell on Snow and David's hearts in order to keep them safe from the Queen. Snow encourages Regina not to run away from the Queen, and that that Regina needs to think like the Queen in order to know what her darker half's plans. When Snow asks her what the Queen meant by everyone having stories that they don't want told, Emma's vision occurs, accompanied by a hand tremor. Both Snow and Regina notice, but Emma pretends to be fine. ("A Bitter Draught," "Heartless")

Snow and her husband are at the psychiatric ward with Regina, who hopes to find out from Hyde about why the Queen is still alive. However, they discover the Queen has already visited Hyde before them, and gotten information from him about the Untold Stories residents. Hyde asks for his freedom if Regina wants his help, but she is unwilling. The trio later watch Jekyll attempt to recreate the serum as a means to destroy the Queen. After the experiment fails, Regina becomes frustrated over the Queen being a step ahead of her, with Snow suggesting she should try to get into the mindset of how the Queen thinks. Regina then realizes the Queen may have turned Zelena against her and promptly leaves to find her sister. When David comes back from searching the dirigible, Snow tells him about how troubled she feels since their battles never seem to end. She wants a bit of normalcy in Storybrooke and wishes to start teaching again, a decision that David fully supports. From looking at Jekyll's lab equipment, Snow realizes Dr. Whale is the perfect person to help them. While Dr. Whale and Jekyll are conversing, she tells Regina about her plans for Storybrooke after they defeat the Queen, in which she wants both doctors to be on the science faculty at school. That night at the loft, David tells Snow about the truth of how his father died, in which he was stabbed to death, rather than getting drunk and falling into a ravine. Snow begs him not to dig up the past by seeking vengeance on whoever killed his father, and to focus on the life he has now. David agrees to burn the card and forget about it, but after Snow leaves the room, he decides to keep the card. ("The Other Shoe")

On the morning she is set to return to her teaching job, Snow is in the loft kitchen with baby Neal as David is making pancakes for Emma. David admits worrying about not seeing Emma as often now that she and Hook are living together, but Emma assures him this won't change anything. Snow chimes in as well to persuade her husband that everything will be fine as things are getting back to normal. Regina and Jekyll arrive with bad news about Hyde, but at David's urging, Snow and Henry head to school while he and Emma take care of the situation. Snow meets her new teacher's aide, Shirin, who helps her distribute assignments during class. She attempts to teach her students about Newton's law of physics, but they do poorly on a later exam, making her realize her teaching methods aren't working for some reason. Shirin talks about her own past, in which she failed to save her kingdom because of not accepting herself as the hero she could be. She then advises Snow to assert herself as the person she is now instead of trying to be the person she once was. At an outdoor class, Snow successfully employs Shirin's suggestion by allowing the students to try their hand at archery as a lesson in physics. Later that night, she gifts Shirin an apple. ("Strange Case")

When Shirin is apprehended as a suspect in the Oracle's death, Snow watches from outside the interrogation room as Emma persuades the woman to admit her true identity. Shirin reveals she is Jasmine from Agrabah, and swears she did not kill the Oracle, who was helping her find Aladdin, another Savior like Emma. With Regina, David, Henry, and Jasmine, Snow begins working on a locator spell to track Aladdin, however, they have nothing belonging to Aladdin to use for the spell. Emma regroups with them at the loft, without realizing the Queen disguised as Archie has followed her there. "Archie" then persuades Emma to stop lying to her family and to tell them about her secret. Emma admits she's been having hand tremors, along with a recurring vision of her own death that will happen because all Saviors are fated to die. After Regina leaves for her vault to work on another locator spell, Snow expresses disappointment over Emma keeping her secret until now. Emma acknowledges that she didn't want to lie, and that she was just afraid, to which Snow suggests she should have talked to her about it. She forgives Emma for not being honest because they are family, however, she hints that Hook may not be so easy to forgive her. Upon discovering that "Archie" was actually the Queen and the real Archie has been kidnapped, Snow and her husband go off to search for him, while Emma uses Regina's spell to track down Aladdin. When they do not find Archie, the pair return to the loft, where Emma declares she won't use the shears to stop her own death, and instead, wants to find another way or accept that she is meant to die. ("Street Rats")

Snow arrives to the hospital, where David has just brought an injured stranger, someone from the Land of Untold Stories, in for surgery. She sees Belle in the waiting room, and finds out the brunette is having her first baby ultrasound. Belle mentions she did not tell Mr. Gold about the appointment, and that she is uncertain about allowing him to be a part of her son's life later on if she doesn't even want him around before the baby is born. Snow suggests she doesn't have to make a decision now, and can wait a few trimesters until the baby is bigger. Later, Snow receives good news from Dr. Whale, who reports that the surgery went well and the man will recover. Belle runs into her again after her ultrasound, in which she received two photo copies of the baby, with the option of giving one to Mr. Gold. Snow asks if she hopes Mr. Gold can change or whether she wants to give him another chance, but Belle is undecided about both, however, she believes her son's future relationship with Mr. Gold doesn't have to be as bad as it was in the dream world. ("Dark Waters")

During the night, Snow wakes up in the woods, after being teleported there by the Queen, who gives her a vial of Acheron water, which she'll destroy the town with if Snow and her husband do not forfeit their hearts to her. While the villains are distracted, Mother Superior casts a spell to lead Snow, David and Regina to the plant. Snow and David touch the sapling at the same time, sparking a rush of memories from all the previously shared encounters, with the last one being Snow giving money to David. After the Queen destroys the sapling, the couple come to terms with having to do the inevitable to save their town. Snow and David recall the last memory that the sapling gave them, with both insisting the other was not there, until they realize they were, except they did not see each other's faces then. As they face the Queen in the cemetery, they reassure Emma they are at peace knowing their lives have led them to each other and back to her as well. After Regina lifts the protection spell on the couple, the Queen rips out their hearts and casts a sleeping curse on both before returning the hearts to them. Snow falls asleep and is then transported by the Queen to the woods, where her body is encased in a glass coffin. David uncurses her with true love's kiss, however, the moment she awakens, he falls asleep, making it impossible for them to ever truly be together. ("Heartless")

Although separated by the curse, Snow leaves behind a note for David, with plans of waking him up with true love's kiss. She goes to do it, but upon realizing the Queen is spying on her through the mirror, she smashes it. Soon, the couple work out a system of leaving behind notes and presents for each other when either of them are awake. Snow records a video of herself with baby Neal, and David makes breakfast for her and gives her flowers. When Emma is unable to find the Dragon to help uncurse her parents, she and Regina attempt to trap the Queen inside a mirror, but the Queen imprisons them within it instead. The Queen, disguised as Regina, comes back to the loft to tell everyone else that the mission went well. Snow praises "Regina" for having the strength to get rid of the monstrous Queen, while the Queen hides her annoyance in order not to provoke suspicion. That night, it is Snow's turn to wake David up, but she can't think of anything to write to him because she misses him too much, and instead crumples the paper into her fist before giving him true love's kiss. When David awakens and finds the blank paper, he recognizes Snow's message to him, and then notes out loud that he misses her too. ("I'll Be Your Mirror")

After meeting with Jasmine at a diner booth, Snow happily regards her students' improving grades on a recent exam. Jasmine relates her dilemma about using the genie lamp to find Agrabah because she knows all wishes come with a price. However, Snow tells her to consider that the lamp can help fulfill her potential as a hero by tracking down Agrabah for her. She, Henry, and Aladdin are present as Jasmine summons the genie out from the lamp, but only the genie bracelets fall out, so Aladdin willingly becomes the next genie in order to aid Jasmine. ("Changelings")

When Emma makes the decision to face the Queen with the sword, Snow is asleep under the curse. Following David's attempt to murder the Queen in a fit of rage, David returns to his sleeping wife and recalls that, back in the Enchanted Forest, Snow persuaded him to be merciful towards the Queen, but now, he fears he is becoming as bloodthirsty as his brother James. Hook convinces him that making a mistake doesn't change who he truly is and then encourages him to wake up Snow with true love's kiss. Jasmine suggests that David use his second wish on the lamp to undo his and Snow's curse, but David declines, out of fear that this wish will backfire as his first one did. ("Wish You Were Here")

After David learns the cloaked man meant to kill Emma has arrived in town, he puts off from waking up Snow, not wanting her to deal with what is going on. He visits Snow's bedside and promises to reunite their family again as soon as he gets rid of the cloaked man and brings Emma home. ("Tougher Than the Rest")

Following Emma's defeat of Gideon, David wakes up Snow, while he himself goes to sleep under the curse. Snow is very worried for Regina upon learning she brought back another version of Robin from the Wish Realm, and argues that, although this man looks like Robin, he is not the same man that Regina knew. Regina explains her reasons for bringing him to Storybrooke since Robin was miserable in the other realm and her hopes that his fresh start in town could include her as well, to which Snow agrees she wants things to work out for her. At a later time, Snow recurses herself so David can be awake in order to find answers about his father's death. When she is awake again, Regina tells her about her shared kiss with Robin, which was like kissing a photograph. She admits Snow was right and this man isn't her Robin, but this leads her to question why Robin was able to come through the portal to Storybrooke if it wasn't to start over with her. Snow suggests perhaps there isn't a reason and Robin could cross over because there's something in him that is real, despite that he is from the Wish Realm. ("Murder Most Foul")

At the loft, Snow finds out Emma is now engaged after Hook proposed to her and excitedly looks forward to telling David the news, although Emma wants to hold off on planning the wedding until Gideon is dealt with. She and the other heroes later discuss Page 23, a storybook picture of Regina and the original Robin, which the Queen is using to bait Regina into coming to face her. Regina succeeds in saving the Queen by giving her some of her own lightness, though Snow remains skeptical over the bloodthirsty Queen's capacity for change. She suggests to Regina that the Queen can prove herself by undoing her and David's joint curse, but Regina admits she got all known information from the Queen about it, yet it's not enough to break the curse. Snow still thinks not all villains can be saved, but her hope is restored when the Queen expresses true remorse for the pain she's caused her stepdaughter. After the Queen is given a fresh start elsewhere, Snow runs into Hook at the dock as it is snowing and tells him about the Queen's happy ending, which has renewed her belief that even the darkest souls can be saved. She asks him to let Emma know that Regina is okay and then turns to leave, but then pauses to chide him into going home to Emma since it's so cold out. ("Page 23")

To help Emma as she copes with Hook leaving her, Regina invites her to a girls' night out with her and Snow at a new pub called Aesop's Tables. David grudgingly goes along with the plan by waking Snow, despite his displeasure over going back to sleep after being awake for such a brief time. Emma declines the invitation, however, Snow and Regina lure her to the pub by calling her about a fake fight that broke out there. By the time Emma gets there, Snow is already slightly tipsy from her first drink and admits she needs time to unwind while juggling a toddler and a joint sleeping curse at home. Snow continues to become more inebriated throughout the night as Regina tries to get Emma to open up and talk about Hook with little success. Upon seeing a group of vikings leaving without paying, a drunk Snow goes to confront them. Emma and Regina rush to stop her before she starts a fight, but Snow instead grabs one of the men's two daggers and chucks one at the dart board, which hits the board's center. She then challenges them to best her, and whoever loses has to pay for everyone's tab, to which the vikings oblige by each one of them taking their turn with throwing a dagger at the dart board. Later, Snow and Regina comfort Emma when she finally allows herself to cry over Hook abandoning her when things got tough between them. ("A Wondrous Place")

When Emma receives an ultimatium from Gideon to help him kill the Black Fairy or risk losing Hook forever, Snow goes with her to get information from Mr. Gold about the Black Fairy. They learn the fairy is the originator of the Dark Curse as well as all darknesses, and the risk she may pose if she comes to Storybrooke. After Emma tries to help Gideon in his mission only to be doublecrossed by him, Snow and Belle regroup with her and Mr. Gold at the Sorcerer's Mansion. Emma, who believes Gideon is irredeemable, refuses to give him any more chances, to which Mr. Gold vows to take her out if she tries to kill his son. Snow expresses annoyance over Mr. Gold's willingness to start a fight, and after a moment of trading glares with the man, she and Emma leave to go home. ("Mother's Little Helper")

Not wanting Emma to be alone when her final battle comes, David convinces Regina to use her antidote for his and Snow's sleeping curse even with the possible risks. When Snow is awake later, she consents to trying the antidote without letting Emma know, as she knows her daughter would try to stop her. Regina and Zelena pull out the couple's darkened hearts and put them in the potion to drain the darkness before returning the hearts, however, it doesn't work because of a fail-safe the Queen cast to ensure the curse remained unbroken and they have to break it soon or Snow and David will both be asleep forever. As Snow records a video message to David about the failed antidote, she doesn't notice pixie flower petals blowing in the wind. Believing the flowers can undo the sleeping curse, David and the other heroes work to locate them, but it is with Snow's tracking skills that she and Emma are able to find a whole flower bed of them, however, the Black Fairy commands Gideon to destroy all the flowers. While Gideon follows her order, he leaves one flower untouched without the fairy noticing. An upset Snow looses her arrow on the Black Fairy, but the latter teleports herself and Gideon away in time. As Snow recalls the vow she made to never leave Emma alone again and that she can't keep her promise now that the final battle is near, Emma assures her that there wasn't anything she could've done to change her fate. Snow states that this is not true and starts to explain what happened when she and David were "awake" during the first Dark Curse, but she is cut off when Emma notices the remaining pixie flower. Before the flower's dust can be used, Hook's shadow arrives to give Emma a wand to defeat the Black Fairy and implies that Hook is in danger. Snow forfeits the dust to Emma, telling her to use it to create a portal to reach Hook, before revealing she and David once used the same dust to find her when she was just a child. Despite choosing then to let Emma grow up to become the Savior, she considers the unwalked path, where they could've been a family and Emma wouldn't be facing the final battle. Snow, this time, decides to put Emma first by urging her to rescue Hook. After Hook is saved, Regina convinces some of the townspeople to drink a liquid form of the sleeping curse, in order to dilute it enough to weaken Snow and David's curse. The couple wake up once everyone falls asleep, with all those who drank the curse also awakening shortly after. ("Awake")

Excited about her daughter's upcoming nuptials, Snow grabs a binder of wedding plans that she has been putting together since the first curse broke. She then drops by Emma's house and accidentally walks in on a heated rendezvous between the couple. After Hook excuses himself, Snow happily shows the binder to Emma and explains that her enthusiasm is due to her desire to be involved in her special day when she wasn't able to be there for other milestones in Emma's life. Emma is touched by her mother's sentiments and hugs her before they are interrupted by a phone call from Regina. At the sheriff's office, after Regina decides to work on a locator spell to find the other half of the wand, Snow mentions planning Emma and Hook's wedding as she believes the celebration shouldn't be put on hold just because of the final battle is approaching. Snow suggests the diner as the perfect wedding venue with the ceremony taking place outside and the festivities inside, especially since they've already made a lot of happy memories in this location. When she asks for David's opinion, he brings up one memory that is still a sore subject for him: her first date with Dr. Whale. Snow, incredulous that he is bringing up something that happened during the cursed years, prods him further on why he doesn't like about the diner. David suggests it's simply not grand enough for a princess like Emma, to which Snow presents the town hall building as the next best place, however, her husband nitpicks about this location as well. Snow then brings him outside to discuss what is actually bothering him and David admits that, rather than giving other people hope by going ahead with this wedding, he doesn't want to rush the wedding knowing Emma could be on death's doorstep shortly after it. Emma agrees with her father and convinces her mom that she would rather wait for the right time to walk down the aisle, and for now, she and Hook are happy being together as a couple. Later at the sheriff's office, Snow hears from Regina about Zelena's botched attempt at killing the Black Fairy. ("Where Bluebirds Fly")

After a revived Mother Superior offers a hint about the missing wand's location before she is kidnapped by the Black Fairy, Snow investigates the top of the clock tower but finds nothing in the clock's face. She phones Regina to ask her to decipher Mother Superior's clue about the other half of the wand being hidden at "the heart of Storybrooke." Regina theorizes that, rather than the geographical center of town, it must be a place with sentimental significance to the townspeople, which Snow eventually realizes is the diner. Snow, David, and Hook arrive there to join Regina in the search and they locate it in a compartment behind the jukebox just as the Black Fairy shows up to demand it from them. Shortly after Regina teleports herself and the Black Fairy outside for a fight, Snow, David, and Hook come out of the diner and witness Zelena knocking the fairy away with her car. Mr. Gold later presents a blackened heart to the heroes as proof that he killed the Black Fairy, which Snow thanks him for doing and expresses hopes that the wedding can happen tomorrow as planned. ("The Black Fairy")

At Emma's house, Snow offers her old wedding dress for her daughter to wear at her own nuptials. She later returns with the dress after picking it up from the dry cleaner's, but before Emma can even try it on, the Black Fairy interrupts the sweet moment by dyeing it black. After the Black Fairy directs the heroes to the clock tower to find out what she has in store for them, Snow observes a cloud of dark fairy dust in the tower which Regina senses will unleash as Dark Curse at six o'clock, the same time as Emma and Hook's wedding. In the vault, Snow and David are there when Regina presents them with a potion containing the freezing time component of the curse that she created with Zelena's help. Snow is hopeful this means they can stop the curse, however, Mr. Gold steals the potion to use it on them instead. When Emma goes to begin the final battle, the Black Fairy teleports in the frozen bodies of Snow, David, Hook, Regina, and Zelena, to show Emma just how alone she is. Later, Emma returns to forfeit her heart to the Black Fairy in the hopes her remaining family can be with Henry once she is gone, but Henry aids her in unlocking her own song to free her loved ones from paralysis. At the wedding, both Snow and David walk their daughter down the aisle and then take their seats to hear Emma and Hook exchange their vows. After the ceremony, Snow and David dance down the aisle together as they sing along with everyone else about a happy beginning before the clock strikes six, prompting the curse to burst out through the shattered clock face. Snow, while holding onto baby Neal with her husband beside her, braces for the incoming black smoke. ("The Song in Your Heart")

Mary Margaret Blanchard (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

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Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.